Supports OAuth 2.0 server-side flow with Tiktok API. Read the Tiktok docs for more details:
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'omniauth-tiktok'
Then bundle install
is simply a Rack middleware. Read the OmniAuth docs for detailed instructions:
Here's a quick example, adding the middleware to a Rails app in config/initializers/omniauth.rb
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
You can set a custom callback_url
or callback_path
option to override the default value.
Here's an example Auth Hash available in request.env['omniauth.auth']
provider: 'tiktok',
uid: '1234567',
info: {
display_name: 'ABCDEF'
credentials: {
token: 'ABCDEF...', # OAuth 2.0 access_token, which you may wish to store
expires_at: 1321747205, # when the access token expires (it always will)
expires: true, # this will always be true
refresh_token: 'ABCDEF', # it will be valid for 365 days
refresh_token_expires_at: 1111111 # timestamp
gem bump --file=lib/omniauth-tiktok/version.rb --push --tag --release --pretend
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the OmniAuth::Tiktok project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.