Terminal tools that helps to move the images from the SD to a well-structured folders.
It should be able to move files to a remote location (NAS, Cloud).
make build
make install
Usage: sd_importer <SD path> <Destination directory>
The code will take the Created At
field from the Metadata of the image or video and use it to create (if not exists) the folder of the year, and inside that forlder will create a folder per day.
Given this ls
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 16540928 Aug 20 2021 _RX05023.ARW
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 16610560 Aug 20 2021 _RX05024.ARW
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 16692480 Aug 20 2021 _RX05025.ARW
The code will create the following path structure:
- 2021
- 2018-08-31
- _RX05023.ARW
- _RX05024.ARW
- _RX05025.ARW