This is a new minor release which we cannot provide a changelog.
New Feature
[ORC-262] [C++] Support async prefetch in Orc reader
[ORC-1388] [C++] Support schema evolution from decimal to timestamp/string group
[ORC-1389] [C++] Support schema evolution from string group to numeric/string group
[ORC-1390] [C++] Support schema evolution from string group to decimal/timestamp
[ORC-1807] [C++] Native support for vcpkg
[ORC-1622] [C++] Support conan packaging
[ORC-1264] [C++] Add a writer option to align compression block with row group boundary
[ORC-1365] [C++] Use BlockBuffer to replace DataBuffer of rawInputBuffer in the CompressionStream
[ORC-1635] Try downloading orc-format from dlcdn.apache.org
before archive.apache.org
[ORC-1645] Evaulate stripe stats before load stripe footer
[ORC-1658] [C++] uniform identifiers naming style.
[ORC-1661] [C++] Better handling when TZDB is unavailable
[ORC-1664] Enable the removeUnusedImports function in spotless-maven-plugin
[ORC-1665] Enable the importOrder
function in spotless-maven-plugin
[ORC-1667] Add check
tool to check the index of the specified column
[ORC-1669] [C++] Deprecate HDFS support
[ORC-1672] Modify the package name of TestCheckTool
[ORC-1675] [C++] Print decimal values as strings
[ORC-1677] [C++] remove m
prefix of variables.
[ORC-1683] Fix instanceof
of BinaryStatisticsImpl merge method
[ORC-1684] [C++] Find tzdb without TZDIR when in conda-environments
[ORC-1685] Use Pattern Matching for instanceof
in RecordReaderImpl
[ORC-1686] [C++] Avoid using std::filesystem
[ORC-1687] [C++] Enforce naming style.
[ORC-1688] [C++] Do not access TZDB if there is no timestamp type
[ORC-1689] [C++] Generate CMake config file
[ORC-1690] [C++] Refactor CMake to use imported thirdtparty libraries
[ORC-1710] Reduce enum array allocation
[ORC-1711] [C++] Introduce a memory block size parameter for writer option
[ORC-1720] [C++] Unified compressor/decompressor exception types
[ORC-1724] JsonFileDump utility should print user metadata
[ORC-1730] [C++] Add finishEncode support for the encoder
[ORC-1732] [C++] Can't detect Protobuf installed by Homebrew on macOS
[ORC-1751] [C++] Syntax error in ThirdpartyToolchain
[ORC-1767] [C++] Improve writing performance of encoded string column and support EncodedStringVectorBatch for StringColumnWriter
[ORC-1796] [C++] Reading orc file which lack of Statistics may give wrong result
[ORC-1810] Offline build support
Bug Fix
[ORC-1654] [C++] Count up EvaluatedRowGroupCount correctly.
[ORC-1657] Fix building apache orc with clang-cl on Windows
[ORC-1706] [C++] Fix build break w/ BUILD_CPP_ENABLE_METRICS=ON
[ORC-1725] [C++] Statistics for BYTE type are calculated incorrectly on ARM
[ORC-1738] Wrong Int128 maximum value
[ORC-1811] Use the recommended closer.lua
URL to download ORC format
[ORC-1813] Incompatibility with ORC files written in version 0.12 due to missing hasNull field in C++ Reader
[ORC-1573] Setting version to 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT
[ORC-1594] Add IntelliJ conf in the project root directory to support JIRA/PR autolinks
[ORC-1649] [C++][Conan] Add 2.0.0 to conan recipe and update release guide
[ORC-1655] Add label definition to conan directory
[ORC-1656] Skip build and test on conan updates
[ORC-1666] Remove extra newlines at the end of Java files
[ORC-1758] Use OpenContainers
Annotations in docker images
[ORC-1802] Enable tag protection
[ORC-1589] Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1590] Bump spotless-maven-plugin
to 2.42.0
[ORC-1603] Bump checkstyle
to 10.13.0
[ORC-1606] Upgrade spotless-maven-plugin
to 2.43.0
[ORC-1611] Bump junit
to 5.10.2
[ORC-1651] Bump checkstyle
to 10.14.0
[ORC-1652] Bump extra-enforcer-rules
to 1.8.0
[ORC-1653] Bump maven-assembly-plugin
to 3.7.0
[ORC-1659] Bump guava
to 33.1.0-jre
[ORC-1660] Bump checkstyle
to 10.14.2
[ORC-1673] Remove test packages o.a.o.tools.[count|merge|sizes]
[ORC-1676] Use Hive 4.0.0 in benchmark
[ORC-1678] Bump checkstyle
to 10.15.0
[ORC-1680] Bump bcpkix-jdk18on
to 1.78
[ORC-1691] Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1694] Upgrade gson to 2.9.0 for Benchmarks Hive
[ORC-1695] Upgrade gson to 2.10.1
[ORC-1699] Fix SparkBenchmark in Parquet format according to SPARK-40918
[ORC-1700] Write parquet decimal type data in Benchmark using FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY type
[ORC-1704] Migration to Scala 2.13 of Apache Spark 3.5.1 at SparkBenchmark
[ORC-1707] Fix sun.util.calendar IllegalAccessException when SparkBenchmark runs on JDK17
[ORC-1708] Support data/compress options in Hive benchmark
[ORC-1709] Upgrade GitHub Action setup-java
to v4 and use built-in cache feature
[ORC-1713] Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin to
[ORC-1716] Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to 10.16.0
[ORC-1719] Bump guava
to 33.2.0-jre
[ORC-1722] Bump checkstyle
to 10.17.0
[ORC-1726] Bump guava
to 33.2.1-jre
[ORC-1727] Bump maven-enforcer-plugin
to 3.5.0
[ORC-1728] Bump maven-shade-plugin
to 3.6.0
[ORC-1729] Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin
to 3.4.0
[ORC-1731] Upgrade maven-dependency-plugin
to 3.7.0
[ORC-1735] Upgrade maven-dependency-plugin
to 3.7.1
[ORC-1736] Bump junit
to 5.10.3
[ORC-1737] Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1739] Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1745] Remove Ubuntu 20.04
[ORC-1750] Bump protobuf-java
to 3.25.4
[ORC-1756] Bump snappy-java
to in bench
[ORC-1760] Upgrade junit
to 5.11.0
[ORC-1761] Upgrade guava
to 33.3.0-jre
[ORC-1763] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.18.0
[ORC-1764] Upgrade maven-checkstyle-plugin
to 3.5.0
[ORC-1765] Upgrade maven-dependency-plugin
to 3.8.0
[ORC-1771] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.18.1
[ORC-1772] Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1774] Upgrade snappy-java
to in bench
[ORC-1776] Remove MacOS 12
from GitHub Action CI and docs
[ORC-1778] Upgrade Spark to 4.0.0-preview2
[ORC-1779] Upgrade extra-enforcer-rules
to 1.9.0
[ORC-1780] Upgrade spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1783] Add MacOS 15 to GitHub Action MacOS CI and docs
[ORC-1786] Upgrade guava
to 33.3.1-jre
[ORC-1788] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.18.2
[ORC-1789] Upgrade junit
to 5.11.2
[ORC-1790] Upgrade parquet
to 1.14.3 in bench
[ORC-1794] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.19.0
[ORC-1795] Upgrade junit
to 5.11.3
[ORC-1797] Upgrade spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1799] Upgrade maven-checkstyle-plugin
to 3.6.0
[ORC-1801] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.20.0
[ORC-1804] Upgrade parquet
to 1.14.4 in bench
[ORC-1805] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.20.1
[ORC-1806] Upgrade spotbugs-maven-plugin
[ORC-1809] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.20.2
[ORC-1812] Upgrade parquet
to 1.15.0 in bench
[ORC-1816] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.21.0
[ORC-1820] Bump junit.version to 5.11.4
[ORC-1821] Upgrade guava
to 33.4.0-jre
[ORC-1822] [C++][CI] Use cpp-linter-action for clang-tidy and clang-format
[ORC-1823] Upgrade checkstyle
to 10.21.1
[ORC-1826] [C++] Add ASAN to CI
Build and Dependency Changes
[ORC-1608] Upgrade Hadoop to 3.4.0
[ORC-1617] Upgrade slf4j
to 2.0.12
[ORC-1640] Upgrade cyclonedx-maven-plugin to 2.7.11
[ORC-1650] Bump maven-shade-plugin
to 3.5.2
[ORC-1670] Upgrade zstd-jni
to 1.5.6-1
[ORC-1679] Bump zstd-jni
[ORC-1682] Bump maven-assembly-plugin to 3.7.1
[ORC-1692] Bump slf4j
to 2.0.13
[ORC-1693] Bump maven-jar-plugin
to 3.4.0
[ORC-1698] Upgrade commons-cli
to 1.7.0
[ORC-1701] Bump threeten-extra
to 1.8.0
[ORC-1702] Bump bcpkix-jdk18on
to 1.78.1
[ORC-1703] Bump maven-jar-plugin
to 3.4.1
[ORC-1705] Upgrade zstd-jni
to 1.5.6-3
[ORC-1712] Bump maven-shade-plugin to 3.5.3
[ORC-1714] Bump commons-csv to 1.11.0
[ORC-1715] Bump org.objenesis:objenesis to 3.3
[ORC-1718] Upgrade build-helper-maven-plugin
to 3.6.0
[ORC-1723] Upgrade commons-cli
to 1.8.0
[ORC-1734] Bump maven-jar-plugin
to 3.4.2
[ORC-1748] Upgrade commons-lang3
to 3.15.0
[ORC-1755] Bump commons-lang3
to 3.16.0
[ORC-1757] Bump slf4j
to 2.0.14
[ORC-1759] Upgrade commons-cli
to 1.9.0
[ORC-1762] Bump slf4j
to 2.0.16
[ORC-1766] Upgrade brotli4j
to 1.17.0
[ORC-1768] Upgrade commons-lang3
to 3.17.0
[ORC-1773] Bump reproducible-build-maven-plugin
to 0.17
[ORC-1775] Upgrade aircompressor
to 2.0.2
[ORC-1777] Upgrade protobuf-java
to 3.25.5
[ORC-1781] Upgrade zstd-jni
to 1.5.6-6
[ORC-1782] Upgrade Hadoop to 3.4.1
[ORC-1784] Upgrade Maven
to 3.9.9
[ORC-1785] Upgrade commons-csv
to 1.12.0
[ORC-1791] Remove commons-lang3
[ORC-1798] Upgrade maven-dependency-plugin
to 3.8.1
[ORC-1803] Upgrade zstd-jni
to 1.5.6-7
[ORC-1808] Upgrade zstd-jni
to 1.5.6-8
[ORC-1817] Upgrade brotli4j
to 1.18.0
[ORC-1825] [C++] Bump Snappy to 1.2.1
[ORC-1827] [C++] Bump ZLIB to 1.3.1
[ORC-1828] [C++] Bump LZ4 to 1.10.0
[ORC-642] Update PatchedBase doc with patch ceiling in spec
[ORC-1634] Fix some outdated descriptions in Building ORC documentation
[ORC-1668] Add merge command to Java tools documentation
[ORC-1800] Upgrade bcpkix-jdk18on
to 1.79
[ORC-1814] Use Ubuntu 24.04/Jekyll 4.3/Rouge 4.5 to generate website
[ORC-1815] Remove broken people.apache.org
[ORC-1819] Publish snapshot website through GitHub Pages
[ORC-1824] Update Python documentation with PyArrow 18.1.0 and Dask 2024.12.1
[ORC-1830] Fix release table hyperlink to use baseurl