First off, congratulations! You've made it to the next level of our hiring process.
This is a fairly bare-bones Spring Boot application. Some mistakes have intentionally been introduced. Some may have been unintentionally introduced (we're only human 🤷 ).
The application can be run in all the usual ways:
mvn spring-boot:run
./mvnw spring-boot:run
An IDE that makes you feel comfortable and productive
Keep an eye out for code smells, potential errors, code style inconsistencies etc. The point of this code review exercise is to spawn conversation, not necessarily to test your ability to "find all the bugs". Some things you may find are subjective, and that's okay. We'd love to hear your opinion on those things.
Please pull down the project and zip your project code and return to us for review.
The application is using an H2 in memory database. The console for which can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/h2-console
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:codereview
Username: admin
Password: password