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Comparing iterators performance in javascript

This repository is a microbenchmark that measures speed of various iteration approaches in javascript.

We measured the following approaches:

// Option 1: regular forEach

// Option 2: Plain for loop:
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) cb(array[i])

// Option 3: for .. of loop:
for (let v of array) cb(v)

// Option 4: over iterator:
let iterator = array[Symbol.iterator]();
for (let v of iterator) cb(v);

// Option 4: yield* operator:
yield *array;

The benchmark

The benchmark initializes 10,000 vectors vectors, and then computes a square sum of the x dimension

for(let v of vectors) {
  sum += v.x * v.x


Running in node v16.4.0
array.forEach(cb) x 6,751 ops/sec ±7.00% (81 runs sampled)
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) cb(array[i]) x 8,820 ops/sec ±4.04% (83 runs sampled)
for (let item of array) cb(item) x 8,322 ops/sec ±3.79% (86 runs sampled)
iterator x 4,147 ops/sec ±1.66% (85 runs sampled)
yield * x 2,228 ops/sec ±1.57% (88 runs sampled)
Fastest is for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) cb(array[i]),array.forEach(cb)

Set iterators

We also performed the same set of tests with a Set object. Obviously, we couldn't do plain old for loop, but the rest of the approaches are still applicable.

node setIterators.js 
Running in node v16.4.0
set.forEach(cb) x 5,545 ops/sec ±2.04% (86 runs sampled)
for (let item of set) cb(item) x 8,019 ops/sec ±4.93% (83 runs sampled)
iterator x 5,580 ops/sec ±12.76% (68 runs sampled)
yield * x 2,063 ops/sec ±6.32% (82 runs sampled)
Fastest is for (let item of set) cb(item)

Map iterators

» node mapIterators.js
Running in node v16.4.0
map.forEach(cb) x 5,135 ops/sec ±2.69% (86 runs sampled)
for (let item of map) cb(item) x 5,486 ops/sec ±3.41% (83 runs sampled)
iterator x 4,904 ops/sec ±1.97% (84 runs sampled)
yield * x 1,962 ops/sec ±1.49% (88 runs sampled)
entriesForOfLoop x 5,855 ops/sec ±1.62% (87 runs sampled)
entriesForOfLoopKV x 4,040 ops/sec ±3.32% (84 runs sampled)
valuesForOfLoop x 8,280 ops/sec ±3.37% (84 runs sampled)
Fastest is valuesForOfLoop


If you want to add other tests - please do so. Pull requests are very much welcomed!

Other benchmarks

  • Array vs Object - what is faster: store array of vectors, or encode vectors into array?
  • Set vs Object - what is faster: use object fields or Map/Set collections?




Microbenchmark to compare iterators performance







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