Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Antmicro
This project enables selection of multiple repositories to create a set of indexed webpages. The indexing is performed by the Verible Indexing Action. Cores meant for indexing are selected in the deps.json file and can be easily expanded by adding another entry in the JSON array,e.g.:
"repository_name": "repo-you-need",
"repository_url": "",
"repository_branch": "valid-name-of-branch",
"repository_revision": "valid-sha-of-revision"
The workflow checks if newer revision are available for any of the defined repositories and, if needed, performs indexing. The outputs are captured in docker images, where each repository is given a unique image with an http_server installed. Repository name variable is used to tag images, e.g.
Links to App Engine:
In order to test the docker image locally, pull and run the image (update the path to the image with any of the tagged images):
docker pull
sudo docker run
It may be useful to run the image with a shell entrypoint for debugging purposes, which can be achieved with the following command:
sudo docker run -ti --entrypoint /bin/bash
Find IP of the docker image
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <docker_id>
In a web browser, connect to IP on port 8080.