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Terminal emulator. Nothing too fancy.

How to build

To build anterminal you will need some dependencies, so first install these packages in your system


This command may have to be changed depending on your actual linux distro

For a debian-based system you could try using this

sudo apt install libvte-2.91-dev libconfig-dev

and for arch-based

sudo pacman -S vte3 libconfig

Then go ahead and clone the repository.

git clone anterminal

So now, you can go inside the source tree and type sudo make install to build and install anterminal!

cd anterminal
sudo make install


By default anterminal will use the installation prefix /usr/local so you'll get /usr/local/bin/anterminal and /usr/local/share/applications/anterminal.desktop.


Cleaning the source tree

You can use:

sudo make clean

Specifying an installation prefix

You can install anterminal in a specified prefix instead, so per example, you can do something like this which is useful when, per example, packaging anterminal.

mkdir -pv ~/rootfs
sudo make clean
make clean
make PREFIX=$HOME/rootfs install

Which results in something like this:

$ tree ~/rootfs
├── bin
│  └── anterminal
└── share
   └── applications
      └── anterminal.desktop

And to uninstall from that ~/rootfs folder

make PREFIX=$HOME/rootfs uninstall


For customization, I (NameGoesThere) worked my ass off for 3 hours getting .conf support working. So here is how you do it.
Go into your .config folder (~/.config), then make a file named anterminal.conf
Once you have opened anterminal.conf with something like vim or nano, there are a lot of things you are able to change.

Example conf

OPACITY = 0.8;

BACKGROUND = "#000000";
FOREGROUND = "#ffffff";

BLACK = "#000000";
RED = "#cd0000";
GREEN = "#00cd00";
YELLOW = "#cdcd00";
BLUE = "#0000ee";
MAGENTA = "#cd00cd";
CYAN = "#00cdcd";
WHITE = "#e5e5e5";
LIGHT_BLACK = "#7f7f7f";
LIGHT_RED = "#ff0000";
LIGHT_GREEN = "#00ff00";
LIGHT_YELLOW = "#ffff00";
LIGHT_BLUE = "#5c5cff";
LIGHT_MAGENTA = "#ff00ff";
LIGHT_CYAN = "#00ffff";
LIGHT_WHITE = "#ffffff";

FONT = "monospace";


To rebuild the thing, u need to first clean the folder with

make clean

Note that you may require to use sudo if you installed with sudo make install

and then properly build it with


and then install it using the install target again

sudo make install


2024-08-03_17-24 2024-08-05 02-17


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