In this work, we focus on how to dynamically regulate the computational cost of a given model based on target budget constraints during the inference phase. Therefore, we adopt existing CNNs as our pre-trained model rather than design a new network architecture. ResNeXt, a variant of ResNet, exploits a split-transform-merge strategy in building blocks.This strategy introduces a hyper-parameter called cardinality which is the size of the set of transformations, or in other words, the number of independent paths. These independent paths can be considered as a kind of branch structure and is suitable for our requirements.
*To achieve dynamic paths selecting, we implement RexNeXt bottleneck in type A, instead of the common implementation of grouped convolutions version (type C).
To get this result, download model weights in here and run
python --model ResNext_C10 --depth 29 --base_width 16 --cardinality 4 --load ./ckpt_E_1280.t7 --output ResNeXt_29_C10.txt