This repository provides a Python module for using a Python logger with the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging framework.
PLEASE NOTE: this project is still a work in progress.
Intended for use with Python libraries that call into .Net code via pythonnet, this library allows for easy registration of a Python logging Handler into the .Net dependency injection framework.
The py-mel-logging
package currently supports Python 3.8 through
3.10 on Windows and Linux. This package is not currently available on
PyPI, but will be when it is ready for use.
At that time you can install py-mel-logging
pip install py-mel-logging
Alternatively, install the latest from py-mel-logging GitHub via:
pip install git+
For a local "development" version, install with:
git clone cd py-mel-logging pip install poetry poetry install
This creates a new virtual environment, which can be activated with
poetry shell
TODO: link to the full sphinx documentation. py-mel-logging For building documentation, you can run the usual rules provided in the Sphinx Makefile, such as:
make -C doc/ html && your_browser_name doc/html/index.html
on Unix, or:
.\doc\make.bat html
on Windows. Make sure the required dependencies are installed with:
pip install -E docs
Use this library to register a logger in a .NET dependency injection system with the following:
... setup a Python logging handler ...
... setup .Net ...
>>> from py_mel_logging import create_logger_provider
>>> import Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection as DependencyInjection
>>> from Python.Logging import PythonLoggerExtensions
>>> provider = create_logger_provider(logging.WARN, handler)
>>> sc = DependencyInjection.ServiceCollection()
>>> PythonLoggerExtensions.ConfigureServiceCollection(sc, provider)
>>> sp = DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionContainerBuilderExtensions.BuildServiceProvider(sc)
... use the ServiceProvider in your application setup ...
Dependencies required for testing can be installed via:
pip install -E test
The tests can then be run via pytest.
py-pacz is licensed under the MIT license.