My curated list of awesome tools and libraries which I have used, also a catalog of my stared repositories.
- I have used: ✅
- Funny: 😛
- Gophercloud - ✅ Gophercloud is an OpenStack Go SDK.
- Beego - ✅ beego is used for rapid development of RESTful APIs, web apps and backend services in Go.
- rpcx - ✅ Faster multil-language bidirectional RPC framework in Go, like alibaba Dubbo and weibo Motan in Java, but with more features, Scale easily.
- wechat - ✅ WeChat SDK for Go.
- Paddle - PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning.
- TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
- go-dockerclient - Go client for the Docker remote API.
- flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
- ember.js - Ember.js is a JavaScript framework that greatly reduces the time, effort and resources needed to build any web application.
- webhook - ✅ webhook is a lightweight configurable incoming webhook server which can execute shell commands.
- travis-ci - ✅ Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.
- ttyd - ✅ Share your terminal over the web
- Bat - ✅ A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
- FiraCode - ✅ Monospaced font with programming ligatures.
- cloud-init - ✅ The defacto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance.
- go-proxy - ✅ Proxy is a high performance HTTP(S), websocket, TCP, UDP, Socks5 proxy server implemented by golang.
- ydict - ✅ Yet another command-line youdao dictionary for geeks!
- docz - It has never been so easy to document your things!
- mitmproxy - An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- detect-secrets - An enterprise friendly way of detecting and preventing secrets in code.
- Dragonfly - Dragonfly is an intelligent P2P based file distribution system.
- Gource - ✅ 😛 software version control visualization.
- hiper - ✅ A statistical analysis tool for performance testing.
- senorprogrammer / wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal.
- golang-standards / project-layout - ✅ Standard Go Project Layout.
- jonas / tig - Text-mode interface for git.
- yangshun1029 / aria2gui - ✅ Aria2GUI for macOS.
- FiloSottile / mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- fastpack - Pack JS code fast & easy.
- - ✅ the only cheat sheet you need.
- GoogleChrome / lighthouse - ✅ Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps.
- Photon - Incredibly fast crawler which extracts urls, emails, files, website accounts and much more.
- flatpak - ✅ Linux application sandboxing and distribution framework (formerly xdg-app).
- waifu2x - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art.
- jsinspect - Detect copy-pasted and structurally similar code.
- novnc / websockify - ✅ Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service. Implementations in Python, C, Node.js and Ruby.
- spice-web-client - ✅ A full featured and high performance SPICE web client written in Javascript and HTML5.
- sphinx-doc / sphinx - ✅ Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder.
- coreos / clair - Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers.
- cypress-io / cypress - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
- swagger-ui - ✅ Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
- uber / go-torch - Stochastic flame graph profiler for Go programs.
- rakyll / gom - A visual interface to work with runtime profiling data for Go.
- nicolargo / glances - Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative.
- kelseyhightower / confd - Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul
- homebrew-virt-manager - ✅ A set of homebrew formulae to install virt-manager and virt-viewer on MAC OSX
- Jarred-Sumner / styleurl-extension - Share & export CSS tweaks from Chrome instantly.
- klauscfhq / taskbook - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat.
- styleurl-extension - Share & export CSS tweaks from Chrome instantly.
- DIYgod / RSSHub - 万物皆可 RSS.
- awilliam / rom-parser - ROM parser and fixer.
- - ✅ Install shadowsocks server rapidly.
- - ✅ Install OpenVPN server rapidly.
- URIParser.js - ✅ JavaScript URI parser in regular expressions.
- guac-install - ✅ Script for installing Guacamole 0.9.14 on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer with MySQL.
- pty - ✅ Pty is a Go package for using unix pseudo-terminals.
- jwt-go - ✅ Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- wmi - ✅ WMI for Go
- lodash - ✅ A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
- tview - This Go package provides commonly needed components for terminal based user interfaces.
- three.js - JavaScript 3D library.
- ip2region - 最自由的ip地址查询库,ip到地区的映射库。
- satori / go.uuid - ✅ UUID package for Go.
- sirupsen / logrus - ✅ Logrus is a structured logger for Go (golang), completely API compatible with the standard library logger.
- Leaflet / Leaflet - JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
- tdewolff / minify - Go minifiers for web formats.
- rtfpessoa / diff2html - Pretty diff to html javascript library (diff2html).
- date-fns - Modern JavaScript date utility library.
- PuerkitoBio / goquery - A little like that j-thing, only in Go.
- gocolly / colly - Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
- go-ini / ini - ✅ Package ini provides INI file read and write functionality in Go.
- josdejong / mathjs - An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.
- google / go-cloud - A library and tools for open cloud development in Go.
- EnixCoda / safe-touch - Touch deeply buried property safely with ease.
- uber-go / zap - Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
- xterm.js - A terminal for the web.
- netjson / netjson - NetJSON is a data interchange format for encoding the basic building blocks of networks.
- netjson / netjsongraph.js - NetJSON NetworkGraph visualizer based on d3.js
- twitter / snowflake - ✅ Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.
- bramp / js-sequence-diagrams - Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
- emiliorizzo / vue-d3-network - Vue component to graph networks using d3-force
- gka / chroma.js - JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
- chinese-xinhua - 中华新华字典数据库。包括歇后语,成语,词语,汉字。提供新华字典API。
- webtorrent / webtorrent - ✅ Streaming torrent client for the web.
- antvis / f2 - An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile.
- google / tink - Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse.
- signintech / gopdf - A simple library for generating PDF written in Go lang.
- pcocc - ✅ Run VMs on an HPC cluster
- runv - Hypervisor-based Runtime for OCI
- hyperd - HyperContainer Daemon
- docker / compose - ✅ Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.
- tensorboard - ✅ TensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit.
- calico - Cloud native application connectivity and network policy.
- runc - runc is a CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification.
- NVIDIA / nvidia-docker - Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs.
- BVLC / caffe - Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
- rancher/vm - Package and Run Virtual Machines as Docker Containers.
- vmware / harbor - ✅ An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
- ceph - Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform.
- thumbor - thumbor is an open-source photo thumbnail service by
- julia - The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.
- NVIDIA / vid2vid - Pytorch implementation of our method for high-resolution (e.g. 2048x1024) photorealistic video-to-video translation.
- convnetjs - Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser.
- qemu - QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.
- seaweedfs - SeaweedFS is a simple and highly scalable distributed file system. There are two objectives: to store billions of files! to serve the files fast! SeaweedFS implements an object store with O(1) disk seek, and an optional Filer with POSIX interface.
- socker - ✅ A wrapper for secure running of Docker containers on Slurm
- self-driving-toy-car - A self driving toy car using end-to-end learning.
- build-your-own-x - 😛 Build your own (insert technology here).
- BBVA / kvm - ✅ Simple Docker KVM container.
- open-source-ideas - Ever had a cool idea to an Open Source project but didn't have the time to implement yourself? Let someone else give it a try!
- felixrieseberg / windows95 - Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- copy / v86 - x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS.
- material-ui - React components that implement Google's Material Design.
- ant-design - A UI Design Language
- ant-design-pro - Use Ant Design like a Pro!
- wired-elements - Collection of elements that appear hand drawn. Great for wireframes.
- Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
- OfficeDev / office-ui-fabric-react - React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365.
- You-Dont-Know-JS - ✅ This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.
- awesome-ui - A curated list of awesome things related to User Interface Design.
- react-native-guide - React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件.
- javascript-algorithms - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
- Python-100-Days - Python - 100天从新手到大师.
- standard - JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer.
- awesome-design-patterns - A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- pure-bash-bible - A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- jwasham / coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- open-source-mac-os-apps - Awesome list of open source applications for macOS.
- dwyl / learn-api-design - Essential learning for people building APIs
- donnemartin / system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- 计算机网络系统方法 - Meta-data and Makefile needed to build the book. Main starting point.
- cocoajin / http-api-design-ZH_CN - HTTP API 设计指南(http-api-design-ZH_CN),翻译自
- Front-End-Performance-Checklist - The only Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others
- CyC2018 / CS-Notes - Computer Science Learning Notes
- everything-curl - ✅ The book documenting the curl project, the curl tool, libcurl and everything related to this.
- advanced-go-programming-book - 《Go语言高级编程》开源图书,涵盖CGO、Go汇编语言、RPC实现、Protobuf插件实现、Web框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题
- 中文技术文档的写作规范 - ✅ 中文技术文档的写作规范