This command-line tool is part of the IWTR project.
iwtr-import analyses one or more given projects, generating a graph containing all the project modules and their dependencies, as specified in the respective ivy.xml files.
Upon completion, it's possible to run other iwtr commands to get information about the dependency structure.
Download the code
Open a terminal and go to the project root directory
On a Linux machine:
./gradlew installApp
cd build/install/iwtr-import
./bin/iwtr-importOn a Windows machine:
gradlew.bat installApp
cd build\install\iwtr-import
bin\iwtr-import -
Follow the instructions
The command won't give you any feedback if everything works as expected.
- Customisation via command-line parameters
- User can change the repository location
- User can reset the database before importing the projects
- User can choose the type of the build files. Currently only ivy type is supported, but there are plans to support maven type
- Testing? Probably not much unit tests but most likely some integration tests for avoiding regressions