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Lean Formalisation of Two-Level Type Theory

Files in the 2ltt directory:

fibrant.lean implementation of the two-level type theory
finite.lean facts about finite sets and categories with a finite set of objects
limit.lean definition of limits and construction of limits in category of pretypes
inverse.lean definition of inverse categories (Section 4.2)
pullbacks.lean definition of a pullback, constructed explicitly and using the limit of a diagram along with a proof these definitions are equivalent. Proof of that fibrations are closed under pullbacks.
matching.lean definition of the matching object (Section 4.3)
matching_facts.lean facts about the matching object from the category C with one object removed
fibrantlimits_aux.lean auxiliary lemmas for the proof of the fibrant limits theorem including equivalences forming the core of the proof
fibrantlimits.lean a proof of the fibrant limit theorem (Section 4.3, Theorem 4.8.)
simplicial.lean initial definition of semi-simplicial types (work in progress)
facts.lean some auxiliary lemmas which we could not find in the standard library
types/* some examples of reasoning in the inner (fibrant) theory. Mainly, ported from the Lean 2 HoTT library.


Requires Lean 2 (version 0.2.0) to compile.

Lean 2 installation instructions in Ubuntu :

After installing Lean 2, in the terminal, go to the directory containing the development and use make to compile the project, or run go to the 2ltt folder and run linja directly.

Use your favorite editor to navigate the source code (see some hints about emacs lean-mode blow).

Using Docker

Alternatively, use Docker image. The image is based on Ubuntu and contains Lean 2, our development and Emacs with lean-mode, allowing to navigate through the development and compile it.

Steps to build a Docker image:

  • In the terminal, go to the directory containing the development and run make docker
  • After building step is complete (this might take some time), run make run-image to connect your current terminal session to the container.
  • In the container, type emacs /root/2ltt/fibrantlimits.lean to start editing fibrantlimits.lean with the lean-mode in Emacs.

Interacting with the Lean development in the Docker image

As we have said before, the docker image comes with Emacs and lean-mode. The lean-mode provides syntax highlighting and allows to interactively develop proofs. Use C-c C-g to show goal in tactic proof, C-c C-p to print information about identifier, C-c C-t to show type, and C-c C-l to comple a lean file.

Alternatively, one can use the command line to compile the project or individual files:

  • After executing make run-image, change directory (in the Ubuntu's command line) to our Lean development cd /root/2ltt.
  • Run make clean to clean previously compiled files
  • Run make again to rebuild the project.
  • Individual files can be compiled using lean <filename.lean>.

The image comes with the preinstalled nano editor that can be used to view/edit the source files (but without syntax highlighting). Other editors can be installed, if required, using the apt-get command. For example, apt-get install vim.