for ubuntu // sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver for windows users download chromedriver /// the set the path(directory location of chrome driver in a variable executable_path //browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver",chrome_options = chromeOptions)//
for making the selenium browser(in this case chrome invisible or may i say in background) Installation: !!as root!! pip install pyvirtualdisplay
for messeging service to send sms to mobile as soon as the there is a new message on the hibiscus notice board (or as soon as the script runs.) Installation: !!as root!! pip install twilio
this is to make the browser not to load any image's(loading images only slow's down the scraping process)
currsemester is the current semester semester is the semester for which you want attendence,grades.
I know that this is not right. Thsi is only for educational purpose if anyone use this for any other purpose i am not responsible.
This will fill the feedback of all the subjects for the predefined inputs.
This will take send you the new notifications that arrives on hibiscus through sms through twilio.
For using twilio u have to make a account on they will give you a key and password and a number of your choice also u have to register(verify the mobile no. through sms) the mobile no. on which you want to send sms. if you want to send sms to many simultaneously then use or
this code is not complete so the file that a read in notification is not created by script i have manually created that file so if u want to use you have to make that file. i will update that in next update
sorry for any typo's or any mistake.