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Memory Efficiency Benchmarking

Anirudh Subramanian edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 28 revisions


  • Instance: c4.xlarge
  • AMI: ami-153b1b70 (Amazon Linux AMI)
  • Command used: valgrind --tool=massif --max-snapshots=10 --depth=1 python /myEFSvolume/sparse_jun/benchmark/python/sparse/ --num-omp-threads 4 --batch-size 128 --feature-dim 1000000 --output-dim 256 --arraytype sparse --density 0.0001


  • Memory consumed for CSR NDArray is 50 times lesser compared to dense NDArray when the density is 0.01% and the memory consumed for CSR NDArray is slightly more compared to dense NDArray when the density is 10.24%.

  • Memory consumed for RSP NDArray is 55 times lesser compared to dense NDArray when the density is 0.01% and the memory consumed is very close to dense NDArray when density is 81.92%. (Note that the meaning of density for CSR is different from density of RSP. Please see below for explanation).

  • For dot operators we see significant memory savings for sparse data. For a density of 0.01% which is close to the density for real world datasets like kdda, avazu and criteo, we see that dot(csr, rsp) memory consumption is 65 times lesser compared to dot(dense, dense), and 30 times lesser compared to dot(csr, dense).

CSR vs Dense Storage Comparison

Dimensions: 128 * 1M

  • Allocated a uniformly distributed ndarray for sparse and dense of shape (128, 1M) and compared peak memory consumption
Density(%) Peak Memory Consumption (Sparse) in MB Peak Memory Consumption (Dense) in MB Ratio of Memory Consumption
0.01 29 1456 50.20689655
0.02 32 1456 45.5
0.04 34 1456 42.82352941
0.08 40 1456 36.4
0.16 53 1456 27.47169811
0.32 78 1456 18.66666667
0.64 130 1456 11.2
1.28 232 1456 6.275862069
2.56 437 1456 3.33180778
5.12 846 1456 1.721040189
10.24 1626 1456 0.895448954

RSP vs Dense Storage Comparison

  • Allocated a uniformly distributed ndarray for rsp and dense of shape (1M, 256) and compared peak memory consumption
  • NOTE: for rsp density doesn't mean number of nnzs / total elements in the matrix. the density is approximately equal to the ratio of non zero rows to the total number of rows (This is because rand_ndarray tries to generate a single dimension array with shape (shape[0]) with random values between 0 and 1 and selects only those indexes from array with values less than density. This array is used as the indices array and the rest are set to zeros. Thus the density is in most cases equal to the number of non zero rows/total rows)
Density(%) Peak Memory Consumption (Sparse) in MB Peak Memory Consumption (Dense) in MB Ratio of Memory Consumption
0.01 52 2903 55.82692308
0.02 52 2903 55.82692308
0.04 52 2903 55.82692308
0.08 54 2903 53.75925926
0.16 56 2903 51.83928571
0.32 61 2903 47.59016393
0.64 70 2903 41.47142857
1.28 88 2903 32.98863636
2.56 126 2903 23.03968254
5.12 202 2903 14.37128713
10.24 351 2903 8.270655271
20.48 654 2903 4.43883792
40.96 1222 2903 2.375613748
81.92 2399 2903 1.210087536

dot(csr, rsp) vs dot(csr, dense) Peak Memory consumption Comparison

  • rhs_density is the same as lhs_density
  • lhs_shape = (128, 1000000) , rhs_shape = (1000000, 256)
Density(%) Peak Memory Consumption (Sparse) in MB Peak Memory Consumption (Dense) in MB Ratio of Memory Consumption
0.01 52 1575 30.28846154
0.02 52 1575 30.28846154
0.04 54 1575 29.16666667
0.08 57 1575 27.63157895
0.16 65 1575 24.23076923
0.32 87 1575 18.10344828
0.64 132 1575 11.93181818
1.28 221 1575 7.126696833
2.56 400 1575 3.9375
5.12 758 1575 2.077836412
10.24 1480 1575 1.064189189

dot(csr, rsp) vs dot(dense, dense) Peak Memory consumption Comparison

  • rhs_density is the same as lhs_density
  • lhs_shape = (128, 1000000) , rhs_shape = (1000000, 256)
Density(%) Peak Memory Consumption (Sparse) in MB Peak Memory Consumption (Dense) in MB Ratio of Memory Consumption
0.01 52 3380 65
0.02 52 3380 65
0.04 54 3380 62.59259259
0.08 57 3380 59.29824561
0.16 65 3380 52
0.32 87 3380 38.85057471
0.64 132 3380 25.60606061
1.28 221 3380 15.29411765
2.56 400 3380 8.45
5.12 758 3380 4.459102902
10.24 1480 3380 2.283783784