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- Built for Jekyll
- Compatible with Github pages
- Featured Posts
- Index Pagination
- Feed
- Sitemap
- Post Share
- Post Categories
- Prev/Next Link
- Category Archives (Compatible with Github pages)
- Jumbotron Categories
- Post Reviews with Stars
- Blurred Spoilers
- Table of Content
- Lazy Load Images
- Integrations:
- Disqus Comments
- Google Analaytics
- Mailchimp Integration
- Adsense
- Design Features:
- Bootstrap v4.x
- Font Awesome
- Masonry
- Layouts:
- Default
- Post
- Page
- Archive
- Categories (for 100% compatibility with Github pages)
- Download or
git clone
cd mediumish-theme-jekyll
- Edit
options. If your site is in root: baseurl: ''. Also, change your Google Analytics code, disqus username, authors, Mailchimp list etc. jekyll serve --watch
- Start by adding your .md files in
. Mediumish already has a few examples. - YAML front matter
- featured post - featured:true
- exclude featured post from “All stories” loop to avoid duplicated posts - hidden:true
- post image - image: assets/images/mypic.jpg
- external post image - image: ""
- page comments - comments:true
- meta description (optional) - description: "this is my meta description"
layout: post
title: "We all wait for summer"
author: john
categories: [ Jekyll, tutorial ]
image: assets/images/5.jpg
description: "Something about this post here"
layout: page
title: Mediumish Template for Jekyll
comments: true
layout: post
title: "We all wait for summer"
author: john
categories: [ Jekyll, tutorial ]
image: assets/images/5.jpg
description: "Something about this post here"
rating: 4.5
Enable this option by editing _config.yml
# Adsense (change to "enabled" to activate, also your client id and ad slot. Create a new ad unit from your Adsense account to get the slot.)
adsense: "disabled"
adsense-data-ad-client: "ca-pub-3412143450191416"
adsense-data-ad-slot: "1363087678"
Enable this option by editing _config.yml
# Lazy Images ("enabled" or "disabled")
lazyimages: "enabled"
Add toc:true on your post YAML.
layout: post
title: "Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking."
author: john
categories: [ Jekyll, tutorial ]
image: assets/images/3.jpg
beforetoc: "Markdown editor is a very powerful thing. In this article I'm going to show you what you can actually do with it, some tricks and tips while editing your post."
toc: true
Copyright (C) 2019 Sal,
Mediumish for Jekyll is designed and developed by Sal and it is free under MIT license.
- Fork the repo.
- Clone a copy of your fork on your local
- Create a branch off of master and give it a meaningful name (e.g. my-new-mediumish-feature).
- Make necessary changes, commit, push and open a pull request on GitHub.
Thank you!