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Golang Redis-like in-memory concurrency cache (embed or client-server architecture)


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cachego - Redis-like in-memory cache

GoDoc Report Card


  • Key-value storage with string, lists, dict support
  • Per-key TTL
  • Operations:
    • Get
    • Set
    • Update
    • Remove
    • Keys
  • Custom operations (Get i element on list, get value by key from dict, etc)
  • Golang API client
  • Telnet-like/HTTP-like API protocol
  • Embed or client-server architecture

Optional features

  • auth (Done)
  • persistence to disk/db (TODO)
  • scaling (on server-side or on client-side) (TODO)
  • perfomance tests (TODO)

Run server

go run $GOPATH/src/src/

Run client

# copy source code from client/example.go
go run $GOPATH/src/

Use as embed cache storage

cache := memory.Alloc()

cache.SetString("stringTest", "hi alex")
v, err := cache.Get("stringTest")
if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

Use as server cache storage

server := server.Create()

cURL examples to server

  • Get total number of objects
  • curl -i -w "\n" --user alex:secret localhost:8027/v1/len
  • Get list of keys
  • curl -i -w "\n" --user alex:secret localhost:8027/v1/keys
  • Get cache stats
  • curl -i -w "\n" --user alex:secret localhost:8027/v1/stats
  • Get value from cache by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" --user alex:secret localhost:8027/v1/get/vvv
  • Get element from list by index
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":1}' localhost:8027/v1/list/element/lll
  • Get element from dict by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":"k1"}' localhost:8027/v1/dict/element/ddd
  • Check if object exists in cache by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" --user alex:secret localhost:8027/v1/key/lll
  • Set string
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":"s1"}' localhost:8027/v1/string/sss
  • Set int
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":121}' localhost:8027/v1/int/iii
  • Set list
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":["aa", "bb"]}' localhost:8027/v1/list/lll
  • Set dict
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":{"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"}}' localhost:8027/v1/dict/ddd
  • Update string by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":"s2"}' localhost:8027/v1/string/sss
  • Update int by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":123}' localhost:8027/v1/int/iii
  • Update list by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":["aa2", "bb2"]}' localhost:8027/v1/list/lll
  • Update dict by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":{"k12": "v12", "k22": "v22"}}' localhost:8027/v1/dict/ddd
  • Append to list a string element
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":"aa3"}' localhost:8027/v1/list/element/lll
  • Increment an integer value by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8027/v1/int/increment/iii
  • Remove object from cache by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X DELETE --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' localhost:8027/v1/remove/iii
  • Remove object from list by value
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X DELETE --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":"aa3"}' localhost:8027/v1/list/element/lll
  • Remove object from dict by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X DELETE --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":"k12"}' localhost:8027/v1/dict/element/ddd
  • Set TTL (time-to-live) in nanoseconds for object by key
  • curl -i -w "\n" -X POST --user alex:secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value":5211}' localhost:8027/v1/ttl/iii

Client example

package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, Client!\n")

	cli := client.Create()
	cli.Url = "http://localhost:8027"
	cli.APIUrl = "/v1"


	v1, errs := cli.Len()
	printInfo(v1, errs)

	v2, errs := cli.Keys()
	printInfo(v2, errs)

	v3, errs := cli.Stats()
	printInfo(v3, errs)

	v4, errs := cli.GetString("test")
	printInfo(v4, errs)

	errs = cli.SetInt("vvv", 21)
	printInfo(nil, errs)

	v5, errs := cli.GetInt("vvv")
	printInfo(v5, errs)

	errs = cli.SetInt("vvv", 29)
	printInfo(nil, errs)

	v6, errs := cli.GetInt("vvv")
	printInfo(v6, errs)


	errs = cli.SetString("sss", "s1")
	printInfo(nil, errs)

	errs = cli.SetInt("iii", 21)
	printInfo(nil, errs)

	errs = cli.SetList("lll", util.List{"aa", "bb"})
	printInfo(nil, errs)

	errs = cli.SetDict("ddd", util.Dict{"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"})
	printInfo(nil, errs)


	v7, errs := cli.GetString("sss")
	printInfo(v7, errs)

	v8, errs := cli.GetInt("iii")
	printInfo(v8, errs)

	v9, errs := cli.GetListElement("lll", 1)
	printInfo(v9, errs)

	v10, errs := cli.GetDictElement("ddd", "k2")
	printInfo(v10, errs)

	v11, errs := cli.HasKey("iii")
	printInfo(v11, errs)


	v12, errs := cli.UpdateString("sss", "su2")
	printInfo(v12, errs)

	v13, errs := cli.UpdateInt("iii", 222)
	printInfo(v13, errs)

	v14, errs := cli.UpdateList("lll", util.List{"cc", "dd", "gg"})
	printInfo(v14, errs)

	v15, errs := cli.UpdateDict("ddd", util.Dict{"k12": "v12", "k22": "v22"})
	printInfo(v15, errs)

	errs = cli.AppendToList("lll", "ww")
	printInfo(nil, errs)

	v16, errs := cli.Increment("iii")
	printInfo(v16, errs)

	v17, errs := cli.Remove("iii")
	printInfo(v17, errs)

	v18, errs := cli.RemoveFromList("lll", "gg")
	printInfo(v18, errs)

	v19, errs := cli.RemoveFromDict("ddd", "k22")
	printInfo(v19, errs)

	v20, errs := cli.SetTTL("lll", 7500)
	printInfo(v20, errs)

func printInfo(value interface{}, errs []error) {
	if errs != nil {
		fmt.Printf("#Errors: %v \n", errs)
	} else {
		switch v := value.(type) {
		case int:
			fmt.Printf("#Result: %d \n", v)
		case string:
			fmt.Printf("#Result: %s \n", v)
		case util.List:
			fmt.Printf("#Result: %v \n", v)
		case util.Dict:
			fmt.Printf("#Result: %v \n", v)
			fmt.Printf("#Result: %v \n", v)


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