What is NuggetHub?
NuggetHub is a simple site for storing and sharing your little nuggets of information.
Found out something interesting? Post it here and share with the world rather than waiting for someone to ask.
You create nuggets of information to share.
Keep your nuggets safe for the next time you need them rather than trying to remember them.
That's it! More features are coming all the time to enhance the site and make it more useful.
You can see it running on heroku here: http://nuggethub.com
Why are you building NuggetHub?
Basically this is my first Ruby on Rails project and I wanted something to get my teeth into to learn all about RoR, the available Gems and all that jazz.
I'm no Rails expert, so feel free to checkout the source and let me know what I'm doing wrong.
You can get updates on Twitter so feel free to get in touch.
I've got an idea for NuggetHub, what to hear it?
Sure do, take a look at the UserVoice forum http://nuggethub.uservoice.com where you can submit your ideas and vote on others. You can also ping us on Twitter @nuggethub
What have you used to create NuggetHub?
Here is a quick list of the tech I've used, I'll try and keep this up-to-date:
- Mac OSX 10.6.2
- Ruby 1.8.7
- Rails 2.3.5
- RubyMine
- Authlogic
- CanCan
- will_paginate
- Gravatar
- Postmark
- Formtastic
- Compass
- Sass
- Bluecloth
- Cucumber
- Webrat
- RSpec
- Mocha
- Relevance-rcov
- Git and GitHub
- RunCodeRun
- Heroku
- Thanks to Railscasts.com, you rock!