- Dagger - Github link , Original developed by Square
- Dagger2 - Github link , fork自Square并由Google亲自操刀(零反射)
- Google+ Dagger Users Community G+ Dagger 社区
- Sky31Radio 湘潭大学三翼校园"四季电台" Android客户端
- u2020 By JakeWharton !
- GitHot GitHub client help to find popular people and project
- EasyMVP also MVP architecture
- Android-CleanArchitecture 使用Dagger2架构,同时又是android架构最佳事件非常好的demo
- GitHubClient frogermcs 同学有一系列的博文,见下文,这个是他写的一个完整的demo
- PhotoNoter Material Design风格的开源照片笔记。(架构很清晰)
- GankDagger2 大侠咕咚的当妹子遇到 MVP+Dagger2
- Dagger2Scopes
- ribot 从数据库、网络、测试到应用架构非常赞强烈推荐
- ZhihuDailyRRD dagger2 架构的知乎日报
- dependency-injection-with-dagger-2-introdution-to-di
- dependency-injection-with-dagger-2-the-api
- dependency-injection-with-dagger-2-custom-scopes
- dagger-graph-creation-performance
- dagger-1-to-2-migration
- tasting-dagger-2-on-android
- architecting-android-the-clean-way
- Dependency Injection With Dagger 2 on Android
- the-future-dependency-injection-dagger-2 By Jake Wharton
- architecting-android-applications-dagger By Jake Wharton