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Scala GPL

GPL: Generic Programming Library

The library aims to provide several concepts missed in vanilla scala:

  • (make) enhanced approach to create new instances of case classes
  • (patch) ability to compare, create patch, apply patch for standard scala types

Build Status Maven Central Codecov

Supported types:

  • basic types like string, boolean, numeric
  • temporal types (java.time, java.util, java.sql)
  • collections
    • unordered (Seq, Iterable, ...)
    • ordered (LinerSeq, List, LazyList, ...)
    • indexed (Array, Vector, ...)
    • keyed (Maps)
  • generic sum types (Option, Either)
  • product types (case classes)


import scalax.patch._

// values
val left = List(1, 2, 3)
val right = List(1, 3, 4, 5)

// make a patch
val patch = Patch.make(left, right)

// apply a patch
patch(left) == right

// apply inverted patch
patch.inverted(right) == left

// patch is structured
// toString
patch> UpdateOrdered(Diff(Upgrade(IncreaseValue(1),IncreaseValue(1)),Insert(4)))

// patch rendered 
PatchVisitor stringify patch
patch> upgrade
patch> - increase 1
patch> - increase 1
patch> insert
patch> - 4


Often we need more specific explanation of why one value is not equal to another or, more specifically, what is a delta of two values, or what should be modified in value A (and how) so it become equal to value B.

When we may need it?

  • Testing. More detailed difference reports.
  • In network enabled applications where update remote state (patch size is in average less in size then an updated state copy)
  • In CQRS applications it might be helpful to disassemble a diff of 2 states into a sequence of events.



The Patch is a sum type of following definition

Patch[T] =
    UpdateValue                     (from: T, to: T)                                                |
    SetValue                        (to: T)                                                         |
    UnsetValue                      (from: T)                                                       |
    IncreaseValue                   (delta: ArithmeticAdapter[T]#Delta)                             |
    DecreaseValue                   (delta: ArithmeticAdapter[T]#Delta)                             |
    UpdateIndexed   [F[_], V]       (delta: Map[Int, Patch[V]], sizeDelta: Int) where T = F[V]      |
    UpdateKeyed     [F[_, _], K, V] (delta: Map[K, Patch[T]])                   where T = F[K, V]   |      
    UpdateUnordered [F[_], V]       (delta: UnorderedAdapter[F, T]#Diff)        where T = F[V] and 
        UnorderedAdapter.Diff[T] = Seq[UnorderedAdapter.Diff.Evt[T]] where
            UnorderedAdapter.Diff.Evt[T] =
                Add(items: Seq[T])    |
                Remove(items: Seq[T])                                                               |
    UpdateOrdered   [F[_], V]       (delta: OrderedAdapter[F, T]#Diff)          
        OrderedAdapter.Diff[T] = List[OrderedAdapter.Diff.Evt[T]] where
            OrderedAdapter.Diff.Evt[T] =
                Skip(n: Int)                    |
                Insert(items: List[T])          |
                Drop(items: List[T])            |
                Update(patches: List[Patch[T]])


Patch Maker derivation is provided for case classes.

// case classes
case class CC(
  name: String,
  age: Int,
  props: Map[String, String])

object CC {
  implicit val ccPM: PatchMaker[CC] = DerivePatchMaker.derive[CC]

val left = CC("shelly", 23, Map("prop1" -> "v1", "prop2" -> "v2"))
val right = CC("cristine", 37, Map("prop1" -> "vv1", "prop2" -> "vv2"))

val patch = Patch.make(left, right)
patch> $CC$Patch(UpdateValue(shelly,cristine),IncreaseValue(14),UpdateKeyed(Map(prop1 -> UpdateValue(v1,vv1), prop2 -> UpdateValue(v2,vv2))))

PatchVisitor stringify patch
patch> field 'name' {
patch>   update: from shelly
patch>         : to   cristine
patch> }
patch> field 'age' {
patch>   increase 14
patch> }
patch> field 'props' {
patch>   key 'prop1' {
patch>     update: from v1
patch>           : to   vv1
patch>   }
patch>   key 'prop2' {
patch>     update: from v2
patch>           : to   vv2
patch>   }
patch> } 


By default string patch gives you a Constant patch (SetValue, UpdateValue, UnsetValue), which under some circumstances may look non optimal.

For more sophisticated string manipulation you can use texts module`

libraryDependencies += "com.github.andyglow" %% "scala-patch-texts" % $version

It is based on google's patch-match-diff library and give more detailed patches over strings.

All you need is

import scalax.patch.texts._


import scalax.patch.texts._

val patch = Patch.make("hello, dear friend!", "hello, my friend!")
patch> TextPatch(Step(3, 3, 12, 10, Equal("lo, "), Delete("dear"), Insert("my"), Equal(" fri")))