This project uses meta to operate on all the repositories in the opensearch-project organization.
Install and configure GitHub CLI from Authenticate with gh auth login
and ensure that it works, e.g. gh issue list
npm install -g meta
meta git update
Use meta git pull
to subsequently pull the latest revisions.
meta gh issue list
meta project import new-repo [email protected]:opensearch-project/new-repo.git
Meta stores a list of repositories in .meta. You can bulk update this file from the opensearch-project org as follows.
You can create labels in all opensearch-project repos without checking out any code.
for r in $(gh repo list opensearch-project --limit 100 | cut -f1); do echo $r ; gh label create 'hacktoberfest' --description 'Global event that encourages people to contribute to open-source.' -c '#3B6BBD' --repo$r; done
For control over a list of repos, use meta.
meta exec "gh label create 'backwards-compatibility' -c '#773AA8'
This makes it easy to create version labels.
meta exec "gh label create 'untriaged' -c '#fbca04'"
meta exec "gh label create 'v1.0.0' -c '#d4c5f9'"
meta exec "gh label create 'v1.1.0' -c '#c5def5'"
meta exec "gh label create 'v2.0.0' -c '#b94c47'"
meta exec "gh label create 'patch' -c '#dd8e2c'"
Create a file for the issue body, e.g.
meta exec "gh issue create --label backwards-compatibility --title 'Ensure backwards compatibility' --body-file ../"
Find all issues labeled v1.0.0
meta exec "gh issue list -l v1.0.0"
How many are left?
meta exec "gh issue list -l v1.0.0" | wc -l
Find out whether 1.0.0 tag exists in all repos.
meta exec "git ls-remote | grep -w 'refs/tags/1.0.0$' || echo missing"
Or using local tags.
meta git pull --tags
meta exec "git tag | grep -w '^1.0.0$' || echo missing"
In .github#21 we needed to update all files.
Check out the source code in all the repos.
meta git update
Ensure you have a fork for your code. Choose "no" when promoted to add a remote.
meta exec "gh repo fork"
Ensure remotes to your fork. Replace your-github-username
with your GitHub username.
meta exec "git remote get-url origin | sed s/opensearch-project/your-github-username/g | xargs git remote add your-github-username"
Make code changes as needed. In our example, we used VSCode, opened all files called (using a open all files extension) and made bulk search/replace edits.
Create a new branch with the changes and commit the code. Replace your-github-username
with your GitHub username.
meta exec "git checkout -b updated-maintainers"
meta exec "git add --all"
meta exec "git commit -s -m 'Updated to match recommended opensearch-project format.'"
meta exec "git push your-github-username updated-maintainers"
Set the default repo.
meta exec "git remote get-url origin | sed s/[email protected]\://g | sed s/.git//g | xargs gh repo set-default"
Make pull requests. Because you are creating many issues make sure to reference a parent issue in the body so that they can be easily linked together. Pick your fork when asked where to push the code every time and examine the first couple of pull requests for correctness before proceeding with the rest.
meta exec "gh pr create --title 'Updated format.' --body='Coming from, updated to match opensearch-project recommended format.'"
Please contribute! See CONTRIBUTING, Maintainer and Admin Responsibilities for more information.
See Security
This project has adopted the Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ, or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
This project is licensed under the Apache v2.0 License.
Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See NOTICE for details.