Frodo 2
is the second version of Frodo, mainly used to make easier debugging projects where RxJava 2 is used.
Just annotated your code and voilá!
On Android projects (both Kotlin and Java): It is safe to persist any
Frodo 2
annotation in the codebase since the code generator will ONLY work ondebug
versions of the application where the plugin is applied. -
On pure Kotlin/Java projects: EXPERIMENTAL, you can keep the annotation in the source code but you have to manually enable/disable the code generation (check Enabling Frodo 2 section).
RxJava 2 building blocks supported:
Check Main Features Section below for more details.
- @RxLogFlowable: Annotated functions which return
will print the following information on the log output:
Flowable<Integer> numbers() {
return Flowable.just(1, 2, 3, 4);
Frodo2 => [@Flowable :: @InClass -> FlowableSamples :: @Method -> numbers()]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onSubscribe()]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onRequest() -> 9223372036854775807]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onNext() -> 1]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onNext() -> 2]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onNext() -> 3]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onNext() -> 4]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onComplete()]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> onTerminate()]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> @Emitted -> 4 elements :: @Time -> 1 ms]
Frodo2 => [@Flowable#numbers -> @ObserveOn -> RxNewThreadScheduler-3]
- @RxLogObservable: Annotated functions which return
will print the following information on the log output:
Observable<String> strings() {
return Observable.just("Hello", "My", "Name", "Is", "Fernando");
Frodo2 => [@Observable :: @InClass -> ObservableSamples :: @Method -> strings()]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onSubscribe()]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onNext() -> Hello]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onNext() -> My]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onNext() -> Name]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onNext() -> Is]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onNext() -> Fernando]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onComplete()]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> onTerminate()]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> @Emitted -> 5 elements :: @Time -> 9 ms]
Frodo2 => [@Observable#strings -> @ObserveOn -> RxCachedThreadScheduler-1]
- @RxLogSingle: Annotated functions which return
will print the following information on the log output:
Single<String> string() {
return Single.just("My Value");
Frodo2 => [@Single :: @InClass -> SingleSamples :: @Method -> string()]
Frodo2 => [@Single#string -> onSubscribe()]
Frodo2 => [@Single#string -> onSuccess() -> My Value]
Frodo2 => [@Single#string -> @Emitted -> 1 element :: @Time -> 0 ms]
Frodo2 => [@Single#string -> @ObserveOn -> RxCachedThreadScheduler-1]
- @RxLogMaybe: Annotated functions which return
will print the following information on the log output:
Maybe<Integer> number() {
return Maybe.just(1);
Frodo2 => [@Maybe :: @InClass -> MaybeSamples :: @Method -> number()]
Frodo2 => [@Maybe#number -> onSubscribe()]
Frodo2 => [@Maybe#number -> onSuccess() -> 1]
Frodo2 => [@Maybe#number -> @Emitted -> 1 element :: @Time -> 0 ms]
Frodo2 => [@Maybe#number -> @ObserveOn -> RxNewThreadScheduler-1]
- @RxLogCompletable: Annotated functions which return
will print the following information on the log output:
Completable doSomething() {
return Completable.fromAction(new Action() {
@Override public void run() throws Exception {
Frodo2 => [@Completable :: @InClass -> CompletableSamples :: @Method -> doSomething()]
Frodo2 => [@Completable#doSomething -> onSubscribe()]
Frodo2 => [@Completable#doSomething -> onComplete()]
Frodo2 => [@Completable#doSomething -> @Emitted -> 0 elements :: @Time -> 1003 ms]
To enable Frodo, a gradle plugin must be applied in your build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.fernandocejas.frodo2:frodo2-plugin:$project.version"
apply plugin: 'com.fernandocejas.frodo2'
//By default frodo2 is ON, although
//we can enable-disable it with this configuration.
frodo2 {
enabled = true
Frodo 2 works only on Android, Java and Kotlin* projects using Gradle as Build System.
In pure Java/Kotlin projects all the debug information will be display using
(NOT the case of Android which displays on the logcat). The idea for future versions is to be able to use different Loggers like Log4J or any other alternative for example. -
Contributions are more than welcome.
It generates and weaves code based on annotations at compile time. This code is injected using Aspect Oriented Programming with AspectJ.
For more details please check these articles where there is a deeper explanation with implementation details:
1 - Limitation: Frodo 1 has the ability to detect @SubscribeOn
thread but RxJava 2 does not offer any way to grab this information so only @ObserveOn
thread information is displayed at the moment.
2 - On Android: Multi module setup (application + android library) will not log annotated methods/classes from Android Library Module but will do it on Android Application Module. The reason behind this, is that the Android Gradle Plugin will build all Android Libraries as release versions, for instance, Frodo is not able to weave any code on the annotated methods/classes (Remember that only weaves in debug versions). There is a workaround for forcing debug versions of your Android Libraries (just be careful in case this is forgotten and you end up shipping a version of your app with RxJava Logging enabled) by adding this line in your build.gradle
android {
defaultPublishConfig "debug"
Clone the repo and use the scripts listed below in order to to run/install/execute frodo 2 locally:
- One time execution command for installing frodo library and dependencies../
- Compiles frodo2 and run the android sample application../run_frodo2_java
- Compiles frodo2 and run the java sample application../gradlew runUnitTests
- Execute all unit tests in the project.
Here you can download and install the java codestyle.
Copyright 2018 Fernando Cejas
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.