Table of Contents
- Voting Page - like, dislike and add to the favourites randomly chosen cat from the API. You can also see all your votes.
- Breeds page - discover new cat breeds and learn about each one by clicking on it. There's also a breeds filter, sorting by the name and a limit of result setting functionality
- Gallery Page - sort and filter certain cats from the whole database, also you can upload your own cats
- Light/Dark switch
- Functional back button - using React Router
- Search bar
- Like/Dislike/Favourites Pages
- Mobile Version

This was my first "real" project built on React, and I had a lot of fun making it;) I worked with basic react hooks - useState, useEffect etc, as well as React router, fething and posting API data.
- [DONE] Voting Page
- [DONE] Breeds Page
- [DONE] Gallery Page
- [DONE] Search bar functionality
- [DONE] Like/Favourites/Dislike Pages
- [DONE] Search results
- [DONE] Light/Dark Theme Toggler
- [DONE] Mobile Version
Andrii Solonets - [email protected]
Project Link: