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Doug Blank edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

Manual Testing

(contributed by signalpillar)

This section describes how to test manually latest build during project development. When all steps are done to test changes in the code required to make only two things:

  • Recompile make.
  • Restart kernel in the running Jupyter notebook.

Initial configuration

  • Install Jupyter. This step involves some dealing with python infrastructure.

    Use pip install --user --upgrade jupyter command to install Jupyter for the current user, not system-wide.

    It is recommend to create a python virtual environment and install Jupiter there for better isolation. Your choice depends on the confidence in Python ecosystem.

  • Test that Jupyter is installed correctly. Run server jupyter notebook

  • Now we need to install iocaml as a kernel for Jupyter.

    • Go to the iocaml project directory.

    • Create a kernel.json file with the following content

       "display_name": "OCaml",
       "language": "ocaml",
       "argv": [
    • Let Jupyter know that we have OCaml Kernel

      jupyter kernelspec install --name iocaml-kernel `pwd`

      Important we use pwd command so we should be in the iocaml source directory!

    • opam install ocp-index to get support of the -completion

    • Ensure that you have a ZeroMq 3.x installed.

      • For OS X

        brew tap caskroom/versions
        brew install homebrew/versions/zeromq3
      • For Ubuntu (recommend to use preconfigured docker environment)

        # 0) `vivid` doesn't have add-apt-repository by default, we have to install it
        # 1) apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends software-properties-common
        # 2)
        add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/zeromq
        # 3) libzmq3-dev
    • Build iocaml project - make

    • Run Jupyter (OS X specific in part of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH so it knows where to look for

      && eval `opam config env` \
      && jupyter notebook \
      	--debug \
          --Session.keyfile=./keyfile \
          --notebook-dir=notebooks \
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