Collection of various web applications demonstrating a range of mostly mapping technologies and some end-user tools. Lots no longer available and the online ones will only work if the Cloud SQL instance is running and the microservices are started.
Org | Name | Description | Status |
Birdlife | Marine IBA Mapper | Website developed for Birdlife International under contract in 2012 | Birdlife ArcGIS Server Services no longer available |
Gainforest | Drone imagery cloud-optimsed geotiff example | Map viewer using the ESRI ImageryTileLayer class to show a drone image in the USA | Online |
Gainforest | Sentinel2 cloud-optimsed geotiff example | Map viewer using the ESRI WebTileLayer class to show a TiTiler service of a Sentinel 2 COG image in the north of Italy | Online |
IUCN | Red List Mapper | Delivery of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species under contract in 2012 | IUCN Services no longer available |
IUCN | IUCN Web Services | Clients and tools that use the IUCN Red List API and services | IUCN Services no longer available |
JRC | Attractive Species Gallery | Gallery of charismatic species based on the number of images for the species from the Flickr API | Online |
JRC | Client Richness Demo | Shows species richness on the client and allows for you to change the threshold | JRC services no longer available |
JRC | African Protected Areas Assessment and Monitoring Tool | Shows radar plots of species richness by taxonomic group | JRC services no longer available |
JRC | Browser canvas experiments | Experiments with different overlay operations in the browsers canvas. Chrome only | Online |
JRC | ECAS authentication | Demonstration page for authenticating with the JRC ECAS system | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | GeoJson converter for ESRI Javascript API | ESRI utility for converting GeoJson data into a format suitable for rendering on their Javascript API | Online |
JRC | GeoJson renderers | Demo of GeoJson renderers for GitHub, Leaflet and Mapbox | Online (broken) |
JRC | JSBin demo | Copy and paste into JSBin to show a fully rendered page for a protected area using only Web APIs | Offline |
JRC | Landcover demo | Demostration of client-side rendering to show different land-cover types as the user hovers over the legend. | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | Overlap analysis | Client-side area analysis based on a protected area and land cover classes | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | Quad-key analysis | Demonstration of analysing spatial distributions of species using quad-key indexing | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | ESRI Map | Simple vanilla ESRI Javascript Map | Online |
JRC | Spectral Library Building Tool for Google Earth Engine | Tool to create points of known land-cover types by photo interpretation, analyse their spectral properties and define spectral libraries. It also also you to interactively classify Landsat imagery with these libraries | Online |
JRC | Water validation tool for Landsat 5, 7 and 8 | Tool to rapidly validate the results of a detection algorithm on a set of points. | Online |
JRC | Feng et al. Water Dataset validation tool | Tool to rapidly validate the results of a detection algorithm on a set of points from the SRTM Dataset | Online |
JRC | Google Earth Engine Results Analyser | Visualises the results of the validation on a global map and provides tools to create confusion matrices and to help identify methological issues | Online |
JRC | Joint Research Centre Global Water Dataset | Distribute the results of the classification by online download (Leaflet mapper) | Online |
JRC | Google Earth Engine CART Renderer | Converts the explain string from Google Earth Engine Classification and Regression Trees R format into a Javascript object and renders it. | Not finished |
JRC | Google Earth Engine Javascript client | Connects a Javascript client to Google Earth Engine | Not finished |
JRC | Google Earth Engine Simple client | Combines a number of external APIs (Flickr, Panoramio) into one place for a protected area | Not finished |
JRC | JRC EO data and processing platform client | Web client for the backline services that are available from the JEODPP | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | Leaflet Map | Simple leaflet client that includes JRC water data and Flickr images | Not finished |
JRC | Leaflet References | Simple test page that renders content from the Elsevier ScienceDirect API | Elsevier API expired |
JRC | WDPA Version Tracker | Tool to view how the versions of the World Database of Protected Areas change through time in each country | Online |
JRC | Mapbox Vector Tile client | Vector tiles in MapBoxGL Javascript Client | Unknown |
JRC | Mapbox Indicator Example | Indicator example for protected areas coverage under CBD target 11 | Unknown |
JRC | Mapbox WDPA Vector tiles | World Database of Protected Areas vector tiles in MapBox | Unknown |
JRC | Mapbox Hosted JRC Vector tiles | Hosted JRC vector tiles in MapBox | Unknown |
JRC | Mapbox ESRI OpenStreetMap | Mapbox GL Client using ESRI OpenStreetMap hosted vector tiles | Unknown |
JRC | Roadless areas validation tool | Tool to rapidly validate the forest classifications for the Roadless areas project | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | Species validation tool | Page of species for a site which allows the user to check the data against GBIF and validate the records | Online |
JRC | JRC Global Surface Water Story Map | Highlights a range of different applications of the JRC water dataset in an ESRI story map | Online |
JRC | Tourism potential Africa | Shows the ranked tourism potential for protected areas for Africa based on the total charisma of the species that occur there | JRC Services no longer available |
JRC | Tourism potential global | Shows the ranked tourism potential for protected areas globally based on the total charisma of the species that occur there | Unknown |
JRC | Vanilla React | Vanilla React | Unknown |
JRC | Vector tile clients | MapBox JS client for vector tiles | Online |
JRC | Leaflet combination 1 | Leaflet vector tiles using L.VectorGrid and comparing sources from MapBox, OpenMapTiles, MapZen and ESRI | Unknown |
JRC | Leaflet combination 2 | Leaflet vector tiles using L.VectorGrid and combining OSM and WDPA data | Unknown |
JRC | Mapbox Vector Service | MapboxGL JS Client using the OpenMapTiles Service | Unknown |
JRC | Tangram Client | Tangram Client using the Mapzen Vector Tile Services | Unknown |
JRC | My CDN | My own Content Delivery Network - not really used | Unknown |
JRC | Marxan Systematic Conservation Planning | Protected area network design tool repurposed for the web developed with The Nature Conservancy (currently Firefox only) | Online |
Overstory | Power Lines in Cambridgeshire | OSM power lines data rendered as animated lines for Cambridgeshire using | Online |
Overstory | OSM Power Lines | OSM power lines data rendered from ESRI Vector Tile Services using | Online |
Restor | High-Resolution Imagery | Shows the Wayback timeseries data for a site | Online |
Restor | Wayback Quality Assessment | Tool to assess the quality of the Wayback timeseries data | Online |
Restor | OpenAerialMap viewer | View all of the available drone imagery on OpenAerialMap | Online |
Restor | OpenAerialMap viewer (WorldView only) | View all of the available Maxar WorldView imagery on OpenAerialMap | Online |
Restor | Tree Detection summary | Shows a global level view of the QA for the tree detection algorithm and allows you to drill down to individual tiles | Online |
Restor | Tree Detection viewer | View the tree detections from the Restor tree detection model on a single OpenAerialMap image | Online |
Restor | Live Tree Detection | View the tree detections live on drone data, aerial and satellite imagery using the Restor or the Cambridge tree detection model | Online |
Restor | Tree Detection in Ghana | Results of tree detection in Northern Ghana using the RestorTCD Deep Learning model | Online |