This code implements a tensorflow version of the paper Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks Quanshi Zhang, Ying Nian Wu, Song-Chun Zhu ( And the work is done with Quanshi Zhang while I was an exchange student at UCLA, 2017 fall.
- upload the latest file, which includes forward and back propagation.
- upload, where I modified the label extraction function.
- uploaded the demo framework:;
- modified, with forward pass successfully run in the "framework".
- NEXT: combine forward with corresponding bprop function.
- Also: added a numpy tutorial file, in which the "broadcast" part is most useful(starting from In[63])
uploaded mask_op, which has the forward pass function changed to be the mask function.
My approach is to create a new op with its bprop method and put it into the tensorflow, which will enable auto-training and gradient-computing.
I've already succeeded in creating an relu op with its bprop method. In the, I changed the activation function of conv1 to our customized tf_relu, and now it can run and get gradients successfully.
Under this approach, our next step is to modify the, change the demo function into our customized mask and its bprop method. Hopefully we could get it done soon!