Basico is a scala functional database access layer.
It's a research project to write a generic Scala library which provides direct access to any SQL database in a functional way. There are a lot of implementations of such libraries like Doobie, ScalikeJDBC, Anorm, etc. But all of them based on top of JDBC and you have no options to use alternative driver implementations. Doobie has a strong dependency on Cats and FS2 libraries also and it's another point of concern.
The main criteria for Basico are
- independence from any concrete driver implementation
- support both
access - streaming support
- developer-friendly API
- minimum of external dependencies
- simplicity and extensibility
Because of difference in implementation in concrete drivers we need to know some types of there internal API's. And all
Basico instances must be compatible only for the concrete driver. To solve this problem was added driver configuration
trait DriverConf
trait DriverConf {
type ResultSet // what driver's result type is
type ParameterBinder // driver's parameter binder type
An example of implementation for JDBC
class JdbcDriver extends DriverConf {
override type ResultSet = java.sql.ResultSet
override type ParameterBinder = PreparedStatement
queries represented with Query
trait Query[D <: DriverConf] {
type A // Type of binded to query value
def holder: Query.ParameterHolder[A, D] // Holder of the binded value of type A
def sql: String // SQL fragment
used to build a program DbIO
and after run it with a QueryExecutor
. To support streaming and asynchronous
runners QueryExecutor
return result via Reactive Streams
Publisher. To get final result there is a ResultReader
trait ResultReader[A, D <: DriverConf] {
def read(publisher: Publisher[Row[D]]): A
Will use JDBC driver implementation in examples.
import javax.sql.DataSource
import io.basico.jdbc._
import io.basico.jdbc.implicits._
val ds: DataSource = _ // Some connection data source
ds.withQueryExecutor {implicit queryExecutor=>
val users =
sql"select name from users" // Query[JdbcDriver]
.as[List[String]] // QueryIO[List[String], JdbcDriver]
// (implicit resultReader: ResultReader[List[String], JdbcDriver],
// rowReader[String]: RowReader[String, JdbcDriver],
// columnReader: ColumnReader[String, JdbcDriver])
.unsafeRunSync // List[String]
What happens here:
sql"select name from users"
we use scala string interpolation to build aQuery[JdbcDriver][List[String]]
instance toQueryIO
monad which can be run later to materialize result value. To make it works must beimplicitly
availableResultReader[List[String], JdbcDriver]
instance. There is a default implementation for any collection type that has aCanBuildFrom
but itimplicitly
requireRowReader[String, JdbcDriver]
which derived fromColumnReader[String, JdbcDriver]
and read the only first column in result set.unsafeRunSync
execute a query and return a result. Itimplicitly
As it was mentioned above query can be parametrized in multiple ways. It can be done with string interpolation:
val minAge = 7
val maxAge = 18
val schoolchilds = sql"select name from users where age > $minAge and age < $maxAge"
It will create the next Query
new Query[JdbcQuery] {
type A = (Int, Int)
val holder = Query.ParameterHolder((7, 18), implicitly[ValueBinder[(Int, Int)]])
def sql = "select name from users where age > ? and age < ?"
here is a typeclass implementation of which knows how to bind the value of type A
. There are implementations for the most common Scala types.
Parameters can be also bind to the IN
val names = Seq("Oleg", "Ivan", "Sergey")
val winners = (sql"select name, age from users where " ++"name", names))
.as[List[(String, Int)]]
can be used for DDL queries such Insert or Update as well.
def addUser(name: String, age: Int): UpdateIO[JdbcDriver] = {
|INSERT INTO users (name, age)
|VALUES ($name, $age)
addUser("Andrey", 25).unsafeRunSync
Here we run method update
on Query
instance and that return us UpdateIO[JdbcDriver]
. Both QueryIO
and UpdateIO
are implementation of base DbIO
Some databases allow return auto generated id on an insert.
def addUser(name: String, age: Int): UpdateAndGetGeneratedKeysIO[Int, JdbcDriver] = {
|INSERT INTO users (name, age)
|VALUES ($name, $age)
val userId: Int = addUser("Andrey", 25).unsafeRunSync
Because DbIO
is a monad it can be composed in sequential flow and after run all-at-once.
case class User(id: Int, name: String, age: Int)
def addUser(name: String, age: Int): DbIO[User, JdbcDriver] = {
for {
id <- sql"insert into users (name, age) values ($name, $age)".update.withGeneratedKeys[Int]
(name, age) <- sql"select name, age from users where id = $id".as[(String, Int)]
} yield User(id, name, age)
val program = for {
user1 <- addUser("Ivan", 20)
user2 <- addUser("Masha", 18)
} yield user1 :: user2 :: Nil
val users: List[User] = program.unsafeRunSync
In real application would like to isolate all our side-effects and optimize async and parallel executions with some
context. It can be any IO
monad implementation like cats-effect
or Monix Task
or even simple Scala Future
Any DbIO
instance can be lifted to external execution context if an instance of LiftIO
typeclass is available.
By default provided the only implementation for Scala Future
val users: Future[List[String]] = sql"select name from users".as[List[String]].liftF[Future]
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 Andrei Tupitcyn