Tile maze game! Built with Android Studio and libgdx. Download it for Android on Google Play!
- Change player/map tile color
- Unlockable skins.
- DLC skins.
- Levels needs a designated end, followed by a game summary.
- Show path that player has travelled.
- Show directions player can go with arrows or dots or blinking wireframe tiles
- An option in Single Player
- Turns off automatically
- Game settings (map sizes, number of floors, tutorial)
- Map size slider, from Small to Large. Small is 10x10, large is 100.
- No more infinitely growing maps that destroy the heap!
- Join a game (local/internet)
- Host a game
- Setup number of floors, map sizes, number of players, local/internet
- Continuous play should be convenient, so players don't stop.
- Triple tap or start button?
- Warp to start tile
- Special effect where the old screen fades out while new screen fades in.
- Other players should see player fade out and fade into the start.
- This means warping will send a signal to the other players
- SSAO/HBAO for aesthetic purposes
- Fade in/fade out for warping
- Trails to show path travelled.
- Camera that snaps to closest side
- Camera that has some lag from acceleration when following
- Better names for a more distinct dataflow
- Data-oriented design considerations
- Greedy meshing, in order to reduce vert counts.
- Optional, comprehensive benchmarking
- Object pooling to possibly prevent breaking the heap for large tilemaps.
- New name system for levels ".." that store the level seed.
- Prevent unsolvable closed mazes
- Open maze generation
- Window resolutions (desktop only)
- Fullscreen (desktop only)
- Anti-alias (maybe?)