Scripts to support embedded use of Linux. Compare 2 isos (or paths), list the packages added and deleted on the second iso (or path).
- Arguments: iso1-or-path1, iso2-or-path2
- Options: -h(elp), -d(ebug)
- Output: List of packages added and list of packages deleted Compare an autoyast profile to an iso (or path), list the packages not found on the iso (or path).
- Arguments: autoyast-profile, iso-or-path
- Options: -h(elp), -d(ebug)
- Output: autoyast profile packages that are not provided by iso-or-path Compare an autoyast profile to repo(s), list the packages not found in the repo(s).
- Arguments: autoyast-profile
- Options: -h(elp), -d(ebug), -r repo (default is to use all registered repos, both enabled and disabled)
- Output: autoyast profile packages that are not provided by repo(s)