The spotcot
Spot Cursor-on-Target Gateway transforms Spot position messages
into Cursor on Target (CoT) Position Location Information (PLI) Points for
display on Situational Awareness (SA) applications such as the Android Team
Awareness Kit (ATAK), WinTAK, RaptorX, et al. This allows partner agencies to
track affiliated units without exposing existing networks, amongst other uses.
can be run as a foreground command line application, or can be run
as a background service using a daemon like supervisor.
Usage of this gateway requires a Spot device with service.
IF YOU HAVE AN URGENT OPERATIONAL NEED: Email [email protected] or call/sms +1-415-598-8226
may also be of use in wildland firefighting, see Section 1114.d of the Dingell Act:
Location Systems for Wildland Firefighters.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretaries, in coordination with State wildland firefighting agencies, shall jointly develop and operate a tracking system (referred to in this subsection as the ``system'') to remotely locate the positions of fire resources for use by wildland firefighters, including, at a minimum, any fire resources assigned to Federal type 1 wildland fire incident management teams.
To install from this source tree:
$ git checkout $ cd spotcot/ $ python install
To install from PyPI:
$ pip install spotcot
uses the Spot XML Feed feature to retrieve Spot location
messages from the Spot API.
To enable the XML Feed feature:
- Login to your Spot account at:
- In the navigation bar, click XML Feed, then Create XML Feed.
- Enter any value for XML Feed Name.
- [Optional] If you select Make XML page private, chose and record a password.
- Click Create, record the XML Feed ID.
The spotcot daemon has several runtime arguments:
$ spotcot -h usage: spotcot [-h] -U COT_URL [-S COT_STALE] -k API_KEY [-i INTERVAL] [-p PASSWORD] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -U COT_URL, --cot_url COT_URL URL to CoT Destination. -S COT_STALE, --cot_stale COT_STALE CoT Stale period, in seconds. -k API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY Spot API Key ("XML Feed Id"). -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL Spot API Query Interval. -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Spot Feed Password for private feeds.
For minimum operation, -k API_KEY & -U COT_HOST are required.
Greg Albrecht W2GMD [email protected]
Copyright 2021 Orion Labs, Inc.
Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.