A Chef Exception & Reporting Handler for Splunk Storm.
- Create a Splunk Storm account.
- Retrieve your Splunk Storm REST API Credentials.
- Download the chef_handler Cookbook.
- Given you've retrieved your Access Token as ACCESS_TOKEN and Project ID as PROJECT_ID, add a Recipe similar to the example below:
include_recipe 'chef_handler'
gem_package('chef-handler-splunkstorm'){action :nothing}.run_action(:install)
chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::SplunkStorm' do
action :enable
arguments ['ACCESS_TOKEN', 'PROJECT_ID']
source File.join(Gem.all_load_paths.grep(/chef-handler-splunkstorm/).first,
'chef', 'handler', 'splunkstorm.rb')
See also: Enable Chef Handler with LWRP