A list of NPM packages I publish
- postgrest-syntax-builder - (⭐ 3) - PostgREST Syntax Builder
- tasker-js-runner-project - (⭐ 2)
- browser-capture-screenshot - (⭐ 1) - Browser Capture Screenshot utilises the Element Capture API to capture screenshot of a given Element from the page.
- time-chainer - (⭐ 1) - Create your milliseconds declaratively!
- license-debug
- useragent-define
- react-router-dom-with-prefix - Provide nested prefix capability to React Router DOM 6
- vue-model-table
Web Application that you can launch in your browser
- draw - (⭐ 301) - Web canvas that support pen pressure
- todo-calendar - (⭐ 1) - Todo meet calendar
- heart-rate-counter - (⭐ 1)
- banglejs-home - An alternative home for BangleJS Smartwatch
- CodeVinci
- web-remote-desktop-xr - Web Remote Desktop For XR environment
- js-camera - A QR code scanner in the browser
- og-image-previewer - See demo: https://amoshydra.github.io/og-image-previewer
- boxmover-with-socketio - Move boxes with people - http://boxmover.amoshydra.com
Desktop made with electron
- electron-youtube-tv - (⭐ 7) - YouTube TV WebApp packaged as an Electron App
- pc-remote - (⭐ 2) - A HTTP remote control server using Web browser as client
- ivle-notify - nus ivle notification app
- tasker-js-runner - (⭐ 14)
- webpack-module-federation-examples
- hello-serverless - A minimum template for an AWS Lambda deployment with Serverless Framework
- quill-image-uploader - Demo - https://amoshydra.github.io/quill-image-uploader/example
- aws-image-generator - A demo of image generator with AWS lambda
A list of projects I used to worked on. They includes school projects or projects related to hardware that I no longer use
- AmazfitTaskerLink - (⭐ 1) - [Not maintained - I no londer use Amazfit] A fork of Amazfit Communication Library that add integration with Tasker
- cs4350-vindicator - (⭐ 1) - VindicatoR -
- PebbleRobotToy - (⭐ 1) - Pebble Robot Toy
- CS3247-mini-proj - (⭐ 1) - CS3247 mini projects
- nus-mtp-sashimi-wiki-formatter - A requirements tracker for NUS MTP Lecture Note 2.0
- GTA-5-Kinky-2.1-Extended - GTA 5 Kinky 2.1 Extended
- tasker-js-runner - (⭐ 14)
- tasker-js-runner-project - (⭐ 2)
- AmazfitTaskerLink - (⭐ 1) - [Not maintained - I no londer use Amazfit] A fork of Amazfit Communication Library that add integration with Tasker
- notification-tts