This directory contains the English translation of the book
Moćan koliko je god moguće by Kazimir Majorinc
The book itself is about the origins and the first few years of development of Lisp, the programming language.
The translation is done by me, as a hobby for my own reading pleasure and to practice my language skills.
Since I am not a native English speaker, there might be (are) some errors.
Thanks to Tomas and Tim for the patches. Your help is appreciated and invaluable!
Currently the only avaialable format is plain text, in form of an Emacs org-mode file. It should be relatively easy to export into pdf/html or some other format. However, the file is not yet “prepared” for export, so the result might not be the most optimal, yet. The file is formatted to be read in Emacs primarily :-).
To obtain a copy of this book you may simply clone this repository
git clone
You can then open the file ‘’ with your Emacs or any other text editor. Alternatively you may read it directly in your browser, though it is not recommended (org formatting is not exported very nicely by Github).
If you are using Emacs for reading, you might wish to configure org mode with following settings:
(setq org-image-actual-width nil
org-hide-leading-stars t
org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
If you have org-pretty-table library you may also enable org-pretty-table-mode to have prettier rendering of tables.
Currently the only available layout is per chapter.
I apreciate any language; grammatic, idiomatic or other corrections. Please make a pull request or open an issue.
If you find a factual error in the book, i.e. a mistake in code or facts, you may open an issue so I can contact the author or you may contact the author yourself.
I have the ambition to link-in mentioned references in the footnotes, at least for major papers and books, as far as possible.
Layout and typograpphy of the original book is not preserved due to org-mode limitations. A goal is to re-write the translation from org-mode into Latex (whish-list).
This book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence. I have obtained written permission by the author of this work to publish this translation for non-commercial use under the same licence.