Bin-Organized Decoding (J. Neuro: Bae&Luck, 2018).
Here you will find an updated version of Bae & Luck (2018) analysis scripts. We have updated the scripts to allow the use of bin-organized decoding, therefore allowing users to use EEGlab/ERPlab* to format and decode their own data more seamlessly.
ERPLAB Version V8.01 REQUIRED Download ERPLAB here:
Decoding Scripts The MATLAB scripts used for the online webinar are found in this .zip file:
Order of Operations:
- Decoding_binOrg.m
- SVM_ECOC_ERP_Decoding_2020.m
--See Below for Link to Data on Box: - SVM_ECOC_Stat_Plot_Permutation_2020.m
-- Required: "boundedline.m" & "inpaint_nans.m" (Kearney, 2020)
-- See here: - SVM_ECOC_ERP_PermutationTesting_2020.m
Again, data used on our Decoding Webinar (2020) can be found at:
The scripts we use are an updated version of those found in Bae & Luck (2018). If you wish to see those on OSF, see them on this link
Our scripts above are much easier to adapt to use for your own data than the original 2018 scripts.