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Radix-UI is an open source library optimized for fast development, easy maintenance, and accessibility.

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Since Radix-UI developers said it is not available to Mobile Development (like SwiftUI) and never be (reference), I decided to make it ready for myself to use it because I just like it so much. My inspiration for doing it is Basics website and the minimal and gorgeous design of Radix-UI.


  1. In Xcode, go to your Package Dependencies
  2. Put in Searchbar
  3. Change Dependency Rule to Up to Next Minor Version
  4. Set the lowest version to your desired version
  5. Press the Add Package button

Why Minor?

Since RadixUI for Swift will not have any breaking Semantic's Minor version, it is versioned as Epoch.Major.Minor * 100 + Patch if it could've, it should've been vice versa as Epoch * 100 + Major, as result to get the correct behaviour as Semantic Versioning, choosing the Up to Next Minor Version is the way to go.

Usage example

Import the package in any place you want to use it as:

import RadixUI


You can use Radix Colors in 2 ways:

  .foregroundColor(.crimson9) // Directly


private var color: RadixAutoColor = .crimson

  .foregroundColor(color.solid9) // From RadixAutoColor Enum

In order to use your own custom color pallete head to Radix Pallete Generator and create your pallete and add them to your Asset Catalogue in 12 level named in this way for example: MyColor1, MyColor2, MyColor3, MyColor4, MyColor5, ... MyColor12 then using RadixAutoColor's .custom property:

private var color: RadixAutoColor = .custom("myColor")
// Reads all 12 levels of your custom pallete using the color's child variables.
// It will automatically capitalize the first letter for you.


Important Note: All RadixUI modifiers and styles are using RadixAutoColor enum

Most Important Note: All Radix theme styles have a default dynamic Black on Light ColorScheme and White on Dark ColorScheme, so



Use icons in Image with bundle name completely customizable in two ways

// Default SwiftUI's Image
Image("github-logo", bundle: .radixUI)
  .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
  .frame(width: anySize, height: anySize)

// Built-in Custom Extension
ResizableBundledImage(imageName: "vercel-logo", imageSize: 20, bundle: .radixUI)

For using in Label use the built-in extension that uses ResizableBundledImage:

Label("Vercel", imageName: "vercel-logo", imageSize: 20, bundle: .radixUI)


To create an Radix-themed Avatar loader you can use this View that loads the image from url using built-in SwiftUI's AsyncImage:

// for person's name abbreviation placeholder/fallback, it will automatically abbreviate the full name
    url: URL(string: "urlToImage"),
    name: "Passed Name",
    variant: .soft,
    size: .small,
    radius: .large,
    color: .grass
// or for person icon placeholder/fallback
    url: URL(string: "urlToImage"),
    variant: .solid,
    size: .medium,
    radius: .none,
    color: .grass

// variant: soft, solid
// size: small, medium, large
// radius: none, large, full


You can tranform any Text into a RadixUI badge:

    .radixBadge(variant: .outline, radius: .none, color: .grass)
// variant: outline, soft, solid, surface
// radius: none, large, full


RadixUI does have multiple ButtonStyles as: radixGhost, radixOutline, radixSoft, radixSolid and radixSurface

Note 1: RadixUI buttons can have a loading state after press that does change the Button label's icon into a progress view until the boolean becomes false again. Examples:

@State private var isLoading = false

// Surely you can go for < Button {} label: {} > approach too!
Button(action: functionName) {
    // Best for using Label with RadixUI icons
    Label(LocalizedStringKey, imageName: String, imageSize: CGFloat, bundle: Bundle)
    // or create one
    Label {
    } icon: {
        Image(systemName: String)
        Image(String, bundle: Bundle?)
    // or to use Asset Catalog Image and SFSymbols
    Label(LocalizedStringKey, image: String)
    Label(LocalizedStringKey, systemImage: String)
// for having the similarity to RadixUI buttons like scale and opacity and etc;
// does not change anything of the button but adds some effects.
// or
        layout: .leading,
        radius: .large,
        color: .grass
    isLoading: $isLoading
// or
        layout: .leading,
        radius: .large,
        color: .grass,
        // you can pass your custom size into the button in here or completely ignore it
        // in order to have it scaled based on button label's content
        frame: (maxWidth: maxWidth, minHeight: minHeight)
    isLoading: $isLoading
// or
        layout: .leading,
        radius: .large,
        color: .grass
    isLoading: $isLoading
// or
        layout: .leading,
        radius: .large,
        color: .grass
    isLoading: $isLoading
// or
        layout: .leading,
        radius: .large,
        color: .grass
// you completely ignore passing `isLoading` to the button style if you don't want to utilize the loading state
// layout: icon, title, leading, trailing
// radius: none, large, full

Note 2: Always pass a Label() as label of the button, do not pass Text or Image only, if you want only one of them use the layout variable's .icon or .title cases.


You can tranform any Text into a RadixUI callout:

let infoText = "You will need admin privileges to install and access this application."
let alertText = "Access denied. Please contact the network administrator to view this page."

    .radixInfoCallout(variant: .surface, color: .grass) // info callout, customizable color, `info-circled` icon

    .radixAlertCallout(variant: .surface) // alert callout, red color, `exclamation-triangle` icon

// variant: outline, soft, surface


Under the hood it is just a looped Toggle but, it only allows one toggle to be on in the same time, needs to get passed an array of options that their model conforms to certain protocols

// the radio option data options should conform to these protocols
struct Option: Identifiable, Equatable {
    let id = UUID()
    let title: LocalizedStringKey

@State private var selectedOption: Option? = nil
private let options = [
    Option(title: "Option 1"),
    Option(title: "Option 2"),
    Option(title: "Option 3")

    options: options, // pass the array of data options
    selected: $selectedOption, // bound of selected option
    style: (variant: .surface, layout: .trailing, color: .grass)
) {
// what the options should show as label
// variant: .soft, surface
// layout: .leading, .trailing


For customizing Segmented Picker of SwiftUI to match Radix style create an init in @main struct of the app to apply it globally or just apply such init in any view you want:

struct PickerDemoView: View {

    init() {
            color: .grass,
            selectedFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 15, weight: .semibold),
            notSelectedFont: .systemFont(ofSize: 15, weight: .light)

    @State private var selected: RadixToggleType = .switch

    var body: some View {
        Picker(String(""), selection: $selected) {
        .frame(width: 400)

Important Note: It does not work in macOS yet!


Since SwiftUI's Slider does not accept styles like how button does, RadixUI for Swift has it's own RadixSlider View:

@State private var value = 5.0

RadixSlider(value: $value, step: 1, in: 0...10)
            radius: .full,
            size: .medium,
            color: .grass
// or
            radius: .full,
            size: .medium,
            color: .grass
// radius: .none, .large, .full
// size: small, medium, large


RadixUI for Swift TextFieldStyle just like ButtonStyle has a loading state that transforms iconLabel into a ProgressView also can have a action passing a function into it with or without a button that will show iconButton in trailing side that follows textfieldstyle's styling.

@State private var input = ""
@State private var isLoading = false

TextField("Placeholder1", text: $input)
            radius: .large,
            color: .grass, // optional, default .blue
            iconLabel: Image("quote", bundle: .radixUI), // optional
            iconButton: Image("arrow-right", bundle: .radixUI), // optional
            action: functionName // optional action, does provide .onSubmit by default to textfield
        isLoading: $isLoading
// or
            radius: .large,
            color: .grass, // optional, default .blue
            iconLabel: Image("quote", bundle: .radixUI),  // optional image
            iconButton: Image("arrow-right", bundle: .radixUI),  // optional image
            action: functionName  // optional action, does provide .onSubmit by default to textfield
        isLoading: $isLoading
// radius: .none, .large, .full


This package has a toast or in-app notification functionality with RadixUI style following Apple Design Guidelines. It does get triggered by a Binding<Bool> variable, can have action button as a CTA or just a dismiss button, can be swiped to top or bot based on toast showing location.

@State private var presentInfoToast = false
@State private var presentActionToast = false

var body: some View {
    VStack { // << this is the highest container in the view, toast should applied to it
        HStack {

    .radixInfoToast( // this is a info toast, action is dismiss
        variant: .surface,
        position: .bottom,
        color: .grass,
        duration: 3 // 0 == never, any other number auto dismisses the toast after the given number in seconds
    ) {
            "This is a Radix Info Toast",
            imageName: "vercel-logo",
            imageSize: 20,
            bundle: .module
        ) // << pass a label to this part just like how explained in button part of this readme
    .radixActionToast( // this is a action toast, you should define an action for it
        variant: .soft,
        position: .top,
        color: .grass,
        duration: 0
    ) {
        presentInfoToast = true // define the action you wnat here or just pass a function
    } buttonLabel: {
            "Ignored Text",
            imageName: "avatar",
            imageSize: 20,
            bundle: .radixUI
        ) // pass a label as before for the button of the action, only shows the icon
    } toastLabel: {
            "Button Presents Info Toast",
            imageName: "vercel-logo",
            imageSize: 20,
            bundle: .radixUI
        ) // pass a label as the toast's main content
// variant: .soft, .surface
// position: .bottom, .top


RadixUI has 4 types of toggle styles, one of them is radixRadio that has been skipped in this part because its mainly used in RadixRadioGroup and using it as a togglestyle on one item is not a good approach

Toggle(isOn: $toggleBinding) {
    ResizableBundledImage( // showed after toggle (checkbox( has been turned on (checked)
        imageName: "check",
        imageSize: 20,
        bundle: .radixUI
        variant: .surface,
        color: .grass
Toggle(isOn: $toggleBinding) {
    Text("Label Text")
    .radixSwitch( // a switch style, just like swiftui's default with styling of radix ui
        variant: .surface,
        radius: .full,
        color: .grass
Toggle(isOn: $toggleBinding) {
        imageName: "font-italic",
        imageSize: 20,
        bundle: .radixUI
    .radixToggle( // toggle as toggle, dimmer color when off, strong color when on
        color: .grass
// variant: .soft, .surface
// radius: .none, .large, .full


Radix Shadows are available as ViewModifier in 6 level:


To Do


Help needed on these, any PR is welcomed:


  • RadixUI-Swift has no dependency


Amir Mohammadi – @amirsaam – amirsaam [at] me [dot] com

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
