The idea is to run a classification task based on the reuters-21578 dataset. There are already many implementations of the same task such as the Keras' implementation or Giuseppe Bonaccorso's implementation. I am for sure inspired by their idea, however my models' accuracy is reaching more than 99% accuracy on the same task. I do believe that there should be a mysterious bug in Giuseppe Bonaccorso's implementation.
First, clone the project like a good Github user:
git clone [email protected]:ambodi/topic-classification-reuters-21578.git
Then, cd into the working directory:
cd topic-classification-reuters-21578
Create a virtualenv:
conda create -n someenv python=3.4
Activate it:
source activate someenv
In order to run the project, fist install all the pip requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After that, run the training functions:
You need to know that the datafiles are already checked in the project, so you don't need to worry about configurations.
I decided to read the data myself with python code. I know that Keras comes with the data, but it is usuall intersting to do it yourself. Of course this comes up with a trade-off that you cannot really spend that time on analyzing trials for the model, but I made that choice and I am kinda happy about it, like this -> :happy
The features are Word2Vecs, I mean you should agree that there is no way you can avoid using word embeddings these days and they are such a powerful tool. So I went for it. Before the word2vec, I am using basic tokenization and lemmatization, so nothing fancy their neither.
First off, the results are amazing, if they are true. The reason I am adding
if they are true
is because over-fitting is a major problem. I need to go through the training, but my main hunch is that the reasons are:
I am not throwing any data before feeding it to Word2Vec. So basically there is no threshold during tokenization and I am using all that data
I am using a lot of features. You should accept that putting a threshold of 500 for each piece creates a lot of information and context for the model to learn.
I am optimizing using Adam, the slow guy who takes a lot of time to update, but at the end he will not disaapoint, if you are patient with him.
The model is using a 2-layer LSTM with Adam as it's optimizer. Loss function is the usual binary cross entropy, nothing fancy. I used Adam because I know that while it's a slow optimizer, it converges better when it is seeing non-convex regions in the loss surface. So it's a safe choice, I usually prefer Adagrad because it can get stuck and makes the training faster, but it runs faster when you have a lot of data.
At the end, I would like to add some basic tensorboard visualizations that showed nothing interseting that I did not knew before, but one thing. The insane progress after the first epoch and the beginning of the second epoch. I am pretty sure that the model is over-fitting. To me, that is as bad as having a low accuracy model. It should feel the same for true Machine Learning folks, however in the age of deep learning, over-fitting is kinda more accepted (ehem!)
Oh, many many interesting things to be done, still. I will just put them here in a list:
- Flexible reading of files using cmd arguments
- Caching data (I have coded part of caching the data, but it has a 🐛)
- Hyperparams of the model should be using hyperopt and not configured only by hand
- I think that LSTM is over-fitting. Maybe reducing the number of neurons in the layer or using a Feedforward Neural Network might help.
- Ipython Notebook visualizations that can show embeddings, and some basic exploratory analysis work
I decided to keep the repo alive after my experiment and more to come soon, after my cold got better!