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A simple vector add tutorial for Xilinx Vivado, Xilinx Vivado HLS, and Xilinx SDK on zedboard

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In this tutorial, we will design an accelerator for adding two vectors element by element. We will use Xilinx Vivado HLS to write the accelerator code in a high level language specification (C++), after that, we will design the system in Vivado and synthesize it, and finally, we will use Xilinx SDK to program the ARM microprocessor.


The design will be targeting Xilinx ZC702 board. This FPGA board is from Xilinx Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC family. This development board features a Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore along with an Artix-7 FPGA. The idea of SoC FPGA is to have the hard processor core (ARM) and the programmable logic (FPGA) on the same chip in order to mitigate the communications between the two. To learn more about the motivations behind the SoC FPGAs, refer to this link. Usually, hard processor handles data initializations, and other parts of the code that have to be executed serially, while the FPGA performs the main acceleration task.

Throughout this tutorial, PS (Processing System) refers to the ARM microprocessor and PL (Programmable Logic) refers to the FPGA.


The following tools are required for designing the accelerator:

  • Xilinx Vivado: allows synthesis, placement, and routing of the design. Vivado is pretty much similar to ISE with more features (High-Level Synthesis and System on Chip support)

  • Xilinx Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS): HLS enables generating RTL code from a high-level language (C/C++) specifications. The idea is to boost developer productivity, since writing RTL can be time consuming; on the other hand, RTL provides a lower level design abstraction which can lead to a better performance.

  • Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK): For developing and debugging the software application (C/C++) that is going to be executed on PS.


All the mentioned tools can be found in Vivado design suite from this link (you need to create a xilinx account in order to download the tool). There are three editions that you can install: design, system, and WebPACK. Make sure that Software Development Kit (SDK) is checked and will be installed.

Regarding the devices, select Zynq-7000, you can uncheck the rest; however, devices can be added after installation.

Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) [Reference Guide]

Before jumping into designing the accelerator, we need to learn about AXI protocol. AXI is A master/slave standard for connecting different modules (IPs) on a chip. It allows data to be transferred from PS to PL or vice versa or among different blocks in the FPGA. A list of AXI signals can be seen in the figure below.

Table 1. AXI Interface Signals (Adapted from protocol documentation)

Since we will be using HLS to design the accelerator, we don’t need to set these signals in our code and it’s taken care of by Vivado HLS.

AXI has three different interfaces:

  • Memory Mapped: In this interface, all read and write transactions need to have a memory address.

  • Stream: AXI stream has one channel which allows the data to flow from Master to Slave. The vector add accelerator that we are going to design will be using this interface.

  • Lite: AXI Lite is similar to memory mapped except that it doesn’t support burst transactions. We will be using this interface for transmitting control signals (For example, PS needs to start the execution of the accelerator or check if the accelerator is ready to receive data)

Let’s say that the accelerator uses AXI stream, in order to move the data from PL to PS, we need to convert AXI stream to AXI memory mapped and vice versa. This conversion is done by AXI Direct Memory Access (DMA) module.

AXI interconnect is a component that allows connecting multiple slaves to multiple masters (even with different data widths and clocks) by routing the data and the requests according to the addresses. Furthermore, PS in ZYNQ supports AXI3 protocol while the IP cores in PL will use AXI4, AXI interconnect allows the connection between PS and PL by converting AXI3 to AXI4 and vice versa.

Vector Add Project

Now we will build the vector add accelerator. The input data will be initialized in PS , and then is sent to the PL, the PL performs the addition and sends the data back to the PS.

We can write the vector add accelerator in both RTL or HLS. We choose HLS for the sake of learning.

Vivado HLS

Open Vivado HLS and create a new project, you don’t need to set the top function name or add any files at this point, set clock period to 10 and select xc7z020clg484-1 as device part. Add vec_add.cpp and vec_add.h under the Source directory. From project select properties and enter the top function name (acelerator_kernel) in the synthesis tab.

Press the green play button in order to start the synthesis. For some reasons, Vivado HLS sometimes highlights some lines as errors, you can ignore them as long as they don’t appear in the synthesis console.

Before exporting the IP, we can run a test case to verify the functionality of our code. Add vec_add_test.cpp file under the Test Bench directory, and press Run C/RTL Cosimulation which is right next to the Run Synthesis button. You don’t need to modify the default settings. This test bench compares the results of the accelerator ip with software (accelerator_sw function which we call C model) to make sure that they match.

After that, we can export the written code as an IP so that we can instantiate it in Vivado and connect it to the PS which is the next step. Click on Export RTL (right next to the Run C/RTL Cosimulation) and press ok. The default export location is project_name/solution1/impl/ip. Next, we will use Vivado to use the generated ip in block design.

Figure 2. Xilinx Vivado HLS Environment

Vivado Design Flow

Create a new RTL project in Vivado and check Do not specify sources at this time, select xc7z020clg484-1 as device part. From the left menu, select create block design. Vivado opens an empty diagram that is going to represent the SoC. In this diagram, we can add the ARM processor, xilinx IPs, our own generated IPs, and other blocks that are required for interconnections among these blocks.

You can see the final block design in Vivado directory.

Figure 3. Vivado Environment

Right click on an empty space and select Add IP (ctrl + i), then type ZYNQ7 Processing System and add it to the diagram. This block represents the ARM processor (PS). After you add the IP, Vivado designer assistance suggest Run Block Automation (above the diagram), click on it and leave the options as default. The symbol that is connected to DDR and IO pins represents an external interface and it means that these pins will be connected to some chips outside the FPGA. We won’t be using them in this project.

Next we need to enable some of the pins and features of the processor. Double click on the ZYNQ7 block. In the opened window, you can see the architecture of Zynq, from page navigator select PS-PL Configuration and enable S AXI ACXP interface from ACP Slave AXI interface. This port will be used for writing back the results of the vector add to the processor’s memory. Next, from Peripheral I/O Pins enable UART 1. We connect the UART port of the FPGA to the host computer so that we can see the messages that are printed in the ARM code (printf function). Finally, from Interrupts enable IRQ_F2P[15:0] which is under Fabric Interrupts/PL-PS Interrupt Ports.

Next, we will add the exported HLS IP to the diagram. From Tools menu select setting, then select Repository from IP and enter the directory for the HLS IP (/solution1/impl/ip). The Accelerator_kernel IP should be found by Vivado.

Press ctrl + i in the diagram window and select accelerator_kernel. Once again, click on Run Connection Automation, Vivado will connect s_axi_CONTROL_BUS to M_AXI_GP0 on the processor. s_axi_CONTROL_BUS is a set of signals that the microcontroller uses to control the IP, for example to start the execution of the IP or finding out when the IP is ready to receive new data. This bus is created by the pragma that we put in the HLS code:

#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=CONTROL_BUS

Also, notice that Vivado generates a system reset module and routes reset and clock signals of the modules.

The next port that we are going to connect is the interrupt in the HLS IP, this port is also created by the same pragma. Connect the interrupt to IRQ_F2p[0:0] port on ZYNQ.

Next, we need to connect the INPUT_STREAM port to the microcontroller so that we can send the input data from ARM to the accelerator. Press ctrl+i and add AXI Direct Memory Access (AXI DMA) to the block design. This IP is used for data transfer between PS and PL. Double click on the AXI DMA and uncheck “Enable Scatter Gather Engine”. This option allows the DMA to transfer data without ARM control signals which we will not be using for now. Also, set Memory Map Data Width to 64, since the HLS IP uses 64bits data as input and output.

Since INPUT_STREAM is a slave port (meaning that we want to write to it), we should connect it to the master port on the AXI DMA. Also, the HLS IP is an AXI stream module and the ARM processor on the other hand, can talk to memory mapped interfaces, so we need to connect INPUT_STREAM to M_AXIS_MM2S port on the AXI DMA.

Next, connect OUTPUT_STREAM port to the S_AXIS_S2MM port on the AXI DMA. Press ctrl + i and add AXI SmartConnect module. Connect M_AXI_MM2S and M_AXI_S2MM from AXI DMA to the S00_AXI and S01_AXI ports on the AXI SmartConnect and connect the M00_AXI port from SmartConnect to the S_AXI_ACP port of ZYNQ. These two ports are for writing from DMA to the ARM.

Next, click on Run Connection Automation to connect the clock signals and also connect the S_AXI_LITE signal to M_AXI_GP0, ARM uses this signal to control the AXI DMA data transfers.

Right above the diagram, there is another tab which is Address Editor. Every IP that is presented in the diagram needs to have an address so that they can talk to each other. From the Address Editor tab right click on the processing_system7_0 and select Auto Assign Address.

Save the block design and from the Sources tab, right click on the design_1 and select create hdl wrapper. By choosing this, Vivado automatically generates the top module for our design. Once again right click on the design_1 and select Generate Output Products, Vivado will start synthesizing each IP core separately.

After that generating output products is finished (you can check it on the top right), we can Run Synthesis and after the synthesis is finished we can Run Implementation which includes optimizing the design, placement, and routing, and finally Generate Bitstream.

Now we can export the hardware platform that we have designed in Vivado, so that we can use it in the SDK in order to program the processor. From File > Export > Export Hardware and click ok, this file includes configurations, parameters, and address of all components so that PS can program the control registers. From File> Launch SDK and select the same directory that you used for exporting hardware for Exported location and Workspace.

Xilinx SDK

You can see the exported hardware in the Project Explorer window. system.hdf file contains all the IPs and their addresses. From File > New > Application Project create a new project with the default settings and in the next window select Hello World project. Include accelerator.c, accelerator.h, and main.c files from sdk directory to the src directory of the new project. Notice that SDK has also created a Board Support Package (BSP) project. BSP contains libraries for ARM’s operating system and other features such as TCP/IP.

Now, all you need to do is to program the FPGA from Vivado and run the SDK project :)


A simple vector add tutorial for Xilinx Vivado, Xilinx Vivado HLS, and Xilinx SDK on zedboard






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