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Amazon Connect Chat Interface - a browser-based customer chat widget for your website integrating with Amazon Connect ChatJS


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Amazon Connect Chat Interface

Node.js CI License: MIT Bundle Size

Amazon Connect Chat Interface is a light interface to create a customer widget for getting started with Amazon Connect chat. This package contains some lightweight components to render chat out of the box in your website, with a thin layer on top of ChatJS to manage your chat session.

New to Amazon Connect and looking to onboard with Chat/Messaging capabilities? Refer to the “Amazon Connect Chat Open Source Walkthrough” documentation. We have the following three approaches to get started:


- Features - details on how to enable/use various features

- Customization - overview of global configuration options (logger, feature flags, etc)

- Components - high level overview of some of the major components


Approach 1: Pre-built Amazon Connect Hosted Widget Snippet

Follow the Admin Guide Documentation:

Add a chat widget to your website that is hosted by Amazon Connect. You can configure the chat widget in the Amazon Connect console: customize the font and colors, and secure the widget so that it can be launched only from your website. As a result, you will have a short code snippet that you add to your website, with latest version always live on your website.

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(w, d, x, id){s=d.createElement('script');s.src='';s.async=1;;d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);w[x]=w[x]||function(){(w[x].ac=w[x].ac||[]).push(arguments)}})(window, document, 'amazon_connect', '360f3075-asfd-asfd-asdf-asdf');
  amazon_connect('styles', { openChat: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#07b62a'}, closeChat: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#07b62a'} });
  amazon_connect('snippetId', 'asdf1234asdf1234adsf1234=');
  amazon_connect('supportedMessagingContentTypes', [ 'text/plain', 'text/markdown' ]);

Hosted Widget Snippet UI

Approach 2: Host Widget Snippet Integrated Custom UI (S3 Bucket/CDN)

❗ IMPORTANT: follow steps listed in for a full setup walkthrough

Integrate a fully customized the chat interface UI in the pre-built Hosted Widget, with all configurations available in the Connect Admin Console. The hosted widget can handle all of the logic to render the widget on your website and start chat sessions.

Host your own amazon-connect-chat-interface.js bundle file and provide the link in the widget snippet configuration.


<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(w, d, x, id){s=d.createElement('script');s.src='';s.async=1;;d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);w[x]=w[x]||function(){(w[x].ac=w[x].ac||[]).push(arguments)}})(window, document, 'amazon_connect', '360f3075-92ac-4648-adfe-84ee860c3bfd');
  amazon_connect('styles', { openChat: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#07b62a'}, closeChat: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#07b62a'} });
  amazon_connect('snippetId', 'QVFJREFIsadfsadfasdf');
  amazon_connect('supportedMessagingContentTypes', [ 'text/plain', 'text/markdown' ]);
+ amazon_connect('customerChatInterfaceUrl', 'https://...'); // TODO: put in your link to amazon-connect-chat-interface.js
+ // Local file is also supported: './amazon-connect-chat-interface.js'

Custom Widget Experience

Approach 3: Customized Widget and Chat Interface UI (Self-Hosted)

❗ IMPORTANT: follow steps listed in for a full setup walkthrough

Fully customize the chat interface UI for your website, add a form to collect user info, and customize how the widget is rendered. Host and manage the bundle file yourself, importing it with a <script src="amazon-connect-chat-interface.js"></script> tag. Also refer to the Custom Chat Widget Example code.

Custom Widget Experience

Importing the bundle file into your project allows you to invoke the global connect methods after placing a ChatInterface object on the window. To initiate the chat, you can invoke initiateChat() and pass in some details about your Connect instance and the requesting user.

        <title>Amazon Connect Chat Interface Local Test</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <script src="amazon-connect-chat-interface.js"></script>
            <h1>Amazon Connect - Custom Implementation of Customer Chat</h1>
            <button id="startChatBtn">Launch Chat</button>
            <section class="section-chat" id="section-chat" style="float: right; width: 50%;">
                <div id="root"></div>
            // CONFIGURATION
            var rootElemId = 'root'; // This is the id of the container where you want the widget to reside
            var customerName = 'Satoshi'; // can also be submitted in a form
            // BACKEND ENDPOINTS
            var apiGatewayEndpoint = ``; // REPLACE ME
            var region = 'us-west-2' // REPLACE ME
            var contactFlowId = '7d67abd3-06ae-4170-9d3b-7b5031caf208'; // REPLACE ME
            var instanceId = '3203af10-3e0d-4d59-9452-6543250cf7f6'; // REPLACE ME
            (function () {
              // Initialize the chat widget
                containerId: rootElemId // This is the id of the container where you want the widget to reside
              document.getElementById('startChatBtn').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
                // Launch a chat
                  name: customerName,
                  contactAttributes: JSON.stringify({
                    "customerName": customerName
                  featurePermissions: {
                    "ATTACHMENTS": false,  // this is the override flag from user for attachments
                  supportedMessagingContentTypes: "text/plain,text/markdown", // enable rich messaging
                }, successHandler, failureHandler);
            function successHandler(chatSession) {
            function failureHandler(error) {
              console.log("There was an error: ");

NOTE: This approach requires a proxy to invoke the Amazon Connect Public StartChatContact API. Refer to the startChatContactAPI CloudFormation Template to deploy an API Gateway proxy solution.

Custom Widget Experience Backend

Local Development

Fork the source code and generate a custom amazon-connect-chat-interface.js bundle file.

Downloading AmazonConnectChatInterface from Github

Clone the public repository with the following command:

$ git clone
$ cd amazon-connect-chat-interface
$ npm install
$ npm run release

Development Build

To make local modifications to this package and test them on your webpage, simply make your edits and run npm install && npm run dev-build to produce the Webpack built file and the sourcemaps. This generates the amazon-connect-chat-interface.js bundle file, which can be imported in local-testing/index.html.

Optionally, run npm run dev-watch to auto-rebuild the bundle file during development.

To test changes on a local machine, refer to the steps listed in the local-testing folder.

Production Build

To build the production version of this package, simply run npm install && npm run build. These will generate a minified built file, with console logs stripped and other Webpack optimizations.



Web Accessibility Standards

This example repository aims to follow web accessibility standards, but does not guarantee a specific level of WCAG compliance (e.g. WCAG 2.0 AA). Team currently has internal accessibility auditing for the Amazon Connect OOTB Hosted Widget [Learn More].

Troubleshooting and Support

Review the resources given in the README and use our documentation for guidance on how to develop on this library. Additionally, search our issues database to see if your issue is already addressed. If not please cut us an issue using the provided templates.

If you have more questions, or require support for your business, you can reach out to AWS Customer support. You can review our support plans here.

Amazon Connect Chat UI Examples

There are additional examples on how to implement the customer side of Amazon Connect chat within our ui examples repo. Please refer to the README under each solution to see the complete details as to what each solution does and how to deploy it.


At the moment, these are the solutions in the github UI examples repo:

  1. cloudformationTemplates/startChatContactAPI The Start Chat Contact API solution creates a simple API to start the chat from the customer side. Use this solution if you want to custom build your customer chat widget. There is also an example html file in this repo that shows you how to make subsequent calls to Chat JS to send messages between the customer and agent after the chat is started.

  2. cloudformationTemplates/urlPreviewForAsyncChat The Url preview for async chat solution is an enhancement of the Async Customer Chat solution, which presents URL previews in chat. For example, entering in the chat window will display a rich preview with an image of the website for a better experience. There is also an example html file in this repo that shows you how to make subsequent calls to Chat JS to send messages between the customer and agent after the chat is started.

  3. samTemplates/amazon-connect-interactive-messages-example Interactive messages in Amazon Connect Chat allow contact centers to provide personalized prompts and response options that customers can easily select from. This serverless application is a sample lambda function which implements Amazon Connect interactive message templates (lists, lists with images, and a time picker) as described in the AWS Contact Center blog post How to enable interactive messages in Amazon Connect chat.

  4. customChatWidget Custom Chat Widget for Amazon Connect, with a Chat Form that can be easily plugged into a webpage. This solution helps customers to have Amazon Connect Custom Chat Widget in their website, by applying simple configuration parameters. It also makes customizing the amazon-connect-interface.js file easier, and can be used as an easy way to host custom widget on a webpage.

  5. connectReactNativeChat React Native demo Chat application for Amazon Connect. This cross-platform solution implements basic Chat JS functionality and is fully customizable. Follow the provided documentation to build with amazon-connect-chatjs@^1.5.0.

  6. startChatContactAPILocalProxy Solution to run local proxy server for the Amazon Connect StartChatContact Public API. Can be used during local development when building a custom chat interface, prior to deploying a production CloudFormation chat backend.

  7. hostedWidgetCustomization Additional ways to configure the Amazon Connect Hosted Widget on your website and further personalize the branding. This sample code covers several common use cases for customizing the widget snippet code. Learn more

  8. mobileChatExamples These native mobile examples of the AWS Connect chat widget are designed for easy integration with a focus on customization. Out-of-the-box ready yet fully adaptable, they offer developers the perfect starting point for incorporating a chat feature that can be fine-tuned to any customer’s requirements.


Here are a few resources to help you implement chat in your contact center:


This project is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.

Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.


Amazon Connect Chat Interface - a browser-based customer chat widget for your website integrating with Amazon Connect ChatJS



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