testcase-automaker can be used to create interface testcase with different params combo base on pairwise strategy.
pip install allpairspy
pip install testcase-automaker
from testcase_automaker.interface.http_params_generator import http_params_generator
params_structure = {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'value': '',
'range': ['张三', '李四'],
'iscompulsory': True
'phone': {
'type': 'number',
'value': '',
'iscompulsory': True
'claimant': {
'type': 'object',
'value': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'value': '',
'iscompulsory': True
'phone': {
'type': 'number',
'value': '',
'iscompulsory': True
'iscompulsory': True
'informations': {
'type': 'array',
'value': [{
'claimant': {
'type': 'object',
'value': {
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'value': '',
'iscompulsory': True
'phone': {
'type': 'number',
'value': '',
'iscompulsory': True
'iscompulsory': True
'name': {
'type': 'string',
'value': '',
'iscompulsory': True
'iscompulsory': True
if __name__ == '__main__':
params_generator = http_params_generator(parameters_structure=params_structure)
params_list = params_generator.generate_params_list()
run the script then u may get output like this:
[{'name': '李四', 'phone': 15746159038, 'claimant': {'name': '华蔹绍', 'phone': 15698064521}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': '齐檠', 'phone': 18912976530}}, {'name': '翟伽硝'}]}, {'name': '张三', 'phone': None, 'claimant': {'name': None, 'phone': None}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': None, 'phone': None}}, {'name': '莫僖烹'}]}, {'name': '李四', 'phone': 18557203961, 'claimant': {'name': None, 'phone': 13736054179}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': None, 'phone': 18810456792}}, {'name': None}]}, {'name': '李四', 'phone': None, 'claimant': {'name': '浦农', 'phone': None}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': '阴桎煅', 'phone': None}}, {'name': None}]}, {'name': '张三', 'phone': None, 'claimant': {'name': None, 'phone': 18238590241}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': '弓肓', 'phone': None}}, {'name': None}]}, {'name': '张三', 'phone': 18265714928, 'claimant': {'name': '昝胀噎', 'phone': None}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': '应兰仓', 'phone': None}}, {'name': None}]}, {'name': '李四', 'phone': None, 'claimant': {'name': '毋羹', 'phone': None}, 'informations': [{'claimant': {'name': None, 'phone': 15701289735}}, {'name': None}]}]
Process finished with exit code 0
which is a list that contains the params combo base on pairwise and the given params structure
For information and suggestions you can contact me at [email protected]