Elixir distributed agent implementation on top of Mnesia
In mix.exs:
def deps do
{:agentex, "~> 0.1"}
def application do
applications: [
$ iex --cookie agentex -S mix run.distributed
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [...]
Interactive Elixir (1.5.0-dev) - [...]
iex([email protected])1> nodes = [Node.self | Node.list]
iex([email protected])2> Amnesia.stop
iex([email protected])3> :rpc.multicall(nodes, Amnesia, :stop, [])
{[:stopped, :stopped, :stopped, :stopped, :stopped], []}
iex([email protected])4> Amnesia.Schema.destroy
iex([email protected])5> Amnesia.Schema.create(nodes)
Agentex.put :pi, 3.14
Agentex.get :pi
#⇒ 3.14
Agentex.put :credentials, %{user: "john", pass: "*********"}
Agentex.get :credentials
#⇒ %{user: "john", pass: "*********"}
config :agentex, :nodes, ~w|[email protected] [email protected]|a
Make sure, the Agentex
application with the same config is starting
on all the nodes listed. The first node would be considered “master” node.
It will be used to produce schema and re-create tables on each subsequent
application restart.
By default, the only database Agentex.Simple
with the single table
of type key ⇒ value
is being created, though one might
specify their own database, containing as many tables as needed.
In the latter case, to distinguish Agentex.{get,put}
calls between
different tables, the table module atom should be specified as the very
first parameter:
Agentex.put Agentex.Db.Math, :pi, 3.14
Agentex.get Agentex.Db.Math, :pi
#⇒ 3.14
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