phasebook is a novel approach for reconstructing the haplotypes of diploid genomes from long reads de novo, that is without the need for a reference genome. This approach firstly groups the raw reads into small clusters of contiguous reads based on read overlaps. It then separates the reads within each cluster into two haplotypes in order to obtain local haplotype specific consensus sequences, referred to as super reads. Secondly, based on the haplotype-aware super reads computed, our approach constructs a haplotype aware super read overlap graph to extend super reads into haplotype aware contigs.
Please note that phasebook is built for linux-based systems only. phasebook relies on the following dependencies:
- whatshap
- minimap2
- longshot
- samtools
- bcftools
- fpa
- overlap graph construction module from HaploConduct
- error correction modules from Racon, CONSENT, MECAT2 and NECAT
- g++ >=5.5.0 and with boost libraries
- python3
To install phasebook, firstly, it is recommended to intall the dependencies through Conda:
conda create -n phasebook python=3.7
conda activate phasebook
conda install -c bioconda whatshap=0.18 minimap2=2.18 longshot=0.4.1 samtools=1.12 bcftools=1.12 racon=1.4.20 fpa=0.5
Subsequently, pull down the code to the directory where you want to install, and compile the code:
git clone
cd phasebook
The input read file is only required and the format should be FASTA or FASTQ. NOTE: each read per line in FASTA file, wrapped format is not allowed. Example:
Other parameters are optional. Please run python -h
to get details of optional parameters setting.
The final polished haplotype aware contigs are included in the contigs.fa
file under output directory.
Before running phasebook, please read through the following basic parameter settings,
which may be helpful to obtain better assemblies. Note that the option -x
using preset parameters for assembly, which is recommended.
-i INFILE, --infile INFILE
input file in FASTA/FASTQ format (default: None)
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
output directory (default: .)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads (default: 1)
-p PLATFORM, --platform PLATFORM
sequencing platform(PacBio CLR/PacBio HiFi/Oxford
Nanopore): [pb/hifi/ont] (default: pb)
-x PRESET, --preset PRESET
use preset parameters
genome size: small/large (default: small)
--overlaps OVERLAPS input file in PAF format (default: None)
--min_cov MIN_COV min coverage for trimming consensus (default: 4.0)
--min_identity MIN_IDENTITY
min identity for filtering overlaps (default: 0.75)
--min_read_len MIN_READ_LEN
min read length for processing (default: 1000)
--min_sread_len MIN_SREAD_LEN
min seed read length (default: 1000)
--min_ovlp_len MIN_OVLP_LEN
min overlap length for super reads construction
(default: 1000)
--n_correct N_CORRECT
times for self error correction of raw reads (default:
--n_polish N_POLISH times for super reads polishing (default: 2)
--sp_min_identity SP_MIN_IDENTITY
super reads min identity for filtering overlaps
(default: 0.98)
--min_cluster_size MIN_CLUSTER_SIZE
min size of read clusters (default: 4)
--trim_ends TRIM_ENDS
trim the erroneous bases in both ends, should be
either True or False (default: False)
--ctg_asm CTG_ASM method to assemble super reads: [rb/naive], rb is time consuming,
which is only recommended for small genomes (default: rb)
--correct_mode CORRECT_MODE
method to correct raw reads: [msa/hybrid], msa is much
faster than hybrid, which is recommended for large
genomes (default: msa)
--max_het_snps MAX_HET_SNPS
maximum number of heterozygous SNPs to determine the
contig overlap is from the identical haplotype or not
(default: 0)
--min_allele_cov MIN_ALLELE_COV
number of observations of each allele (default: 4)
--n_final_polish N_FINAL_POLISH
polish times for final contigs (default: 1)
One can test the program using the small PacBio HiFi reads file example/reads.fa
is used to set the running mode for small or large genomes. If set -g large
it will utilize more efficient approaches for read overlap calculation and filtering,
as well as sequencing error correction, but may at the cost of assembly performance.
In general,
For small genomes or genomic regions assembly (roughly, size < 50Mbp):
- PacBio HiFi reads
cd example
python ../scripts/ -i reads.fa -t 8 -p hifi -g small -x
- PacBio CLR reads
python -i reads.fa -t 8 -p pb -g small -x
- ONT reads
python -i reads.fa -t 8 -p ont -g small -x
For large genomes or genomic regions assembly:
- PacBio HiFi reads
python -i reads.fa -t 8 -p hifi -g large -x
- PacBio CLR reads
python -i reads.fa -t 8 -p pb -g large -x
- ONT reads
python -i reads.fa -t 8 -p ont -g large -x
One could also run phasebook
on HPC when handling with very large genomes, such as human genome. Please see the shell script
for the details.
- If
version of the system is not satisfied, one could try this to install:
conda install -c conda-forge gxx_linux-64=7.3.0
# replace the /path/to/ with your own path
ln -s /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/bin/x86_64-conda-cos6-linux-gnu-g++ /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/bin/g++
ln -s /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/bin/x86_64-conda-cos6-linux-gnu-gcc /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/bin/gcc
- If
library is not installed, one could try this to install:
conda install -c conda-forge boost zlib
# set envionment variables
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CPATH=/path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/include/:$CPATH
- If compile error occurs something like
/path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_timer
orcannot find -lz
, which means it fails to linkboost
library, one could try this to solve:
ln -s /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/lib/libboost_* /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu/lib/
ln -s /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/lib/libz.* /path/to/miniconda3/envs/phasebook/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu/lib/
# then re-complile and install
- Make pair-wise information be trackable in the final output. Currently, the output of phasebook is a bag of contigs from both haplotypes. For super-reads themselves, we do have kept the pair-wise information being tracked in the intermediate super-read file. But for the final output, we are working on this to make pair-wise information be trackable in the final assemblies as well.
Luo, X., Kang, X. & Schönhuth, A. phasebook: haplotype-aware de novo assembly of diploid genomes from long reads. Genome Biol 22, 299 (2021). Link