Link of the Project Document:
Link of the Demo Video:
- Asp.Net Core Web Api (v 2.2) - Built with Visual Studio 2019 Community (v 16.2.0)
- Sql server for DB
- Angular 6 for client app - Latest node.js installation recommended
- Clone the project
- Build the solution
- Open Package Manager Console on the Visual Studio, set ClayBackendCase.API.Infrastructure as Default project on the Package Manager Console and type "update-database". Wait for the DB creation. It uses default connection on the appsetting.json.
- It uses https://localhost:44377 as the default port. It is configurable from the launchSettings.json file. (Don't forget to update client project apiUrl from the webpack.config.json file)
Link of the client App:
- npm install on the project main folder
- npm start