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Simple, lightweight, and customizable Powerline-like prompt theme for Bash and Zsh


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Prowpt - Simple, lightweight, and customizable Powerline-like prompt theme for Bash and Zsh

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Note: Syantax highlighting is not included.

Table Of Contents


  • Easy to manage plugin with common plugin managers like Zinit, or Oh-My-Zsh, e.t.c.
  • The display and colors change depending on the Git branch state.
  • Python virtualenv environments displaying
  • Easy to custom due to simpler code
  • Many customizable variables
  • Lightweight repository


  • Bash or Zsh shell
    It does not work on Fish Shell.
  • Git command
  • Nerd Fonts
    It needs Nerd Fonts to use glyphs.
  • Terminal emulator that can display 256 colors.


Prompt sample
Python virtualenv environment name will be displayed when you are in the environment.

Git Status Icon

If there is/are

  • unstaged file(s): *
  • staged file(s): +
  • something stashed: $
  • untracked file(s): %

HEAD and upstream defference

  • behind: <
  • ahead: >
  • diverged: <>
  • up-to-date: =




  1. Clone the repository
    git clone ~/.prowpt/
  2. Add the following line below the PS1 settings in ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.prowpt/prowpt.bash
  3. Restart your terminal


  1. Run the following command
    sheldon add prowpt --github alpaca-honke/prowpt --use '*.bash' --branch main
  2. Restart your terminal



  1. Clone the repository
    git clone ~/.prowpt/
  2. Comment out the following line in ~/.zshrc
    autoload -Uz promptinit
    prompt adam1
  3. Add the following line in ~/.zshrc
    source ~/.prowpt/prowpt.plugin.zsh
  4. Restart your terminal

Oh-My Zsh

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/prowpt/
  2. Add prowpt to the list of plugins for Oh-My-Zsh in the ~/.zshrc
        #other plugins
  3. Restart your terminal


  1. Add the following line to ~/.zshrc
    zinit light alpaca-honke/prowpt
  2. Restart your terminal


  1. Run or write in the .zshrc the following command
    antigen bundle alpaca-honke/prowpt --branch=main
  2. Restart your terminal


  1. Add the following line to ~/.zshrc
    zplug "alpaca-honke/prowpt", as:plugin, at:main
  2. Restart your terminal


  1. Run the following command
    sheldon add prowpt --github alpaca-honke/prowpt --branch main
  2. Restart your terminal


You can easily to custom it using ~/.config/prowpt/

  1. Create a directory
    mkdir ~/.config/prowpt/
  2. Edit config file (You can use other text editors.)
    vim ~/.config/prowpt/

Customizable Value

You can easily to custom prompt by setting some variables like this:


Text Values

Variables Description Default
PROWPT_CURRENT_TIME First segment value Bash: \t, Zsh: %*
PROWPT_USER Second segment value Bash: \u, Zsh: %n
PROWPT_HOST Third segment value Bash: \h, Zsh: %m
PROWPT_PROMPT Last (second line) segment value Bash: $, Zsh: %#
PROWPT_GIT_HEAD_BRANCH An icon that is shown when current HEAD is a branch in Git repos $'\ue0a0'
PROWPT_GIT_HEAD_DETACHED An icon that is shown when current HEAD is a detached HEAD in Git repos $\ue729'


Set the delimiter for segment (the block of the prompt).
You can set the delimiter using unicode like $'\ue0b0'.
There is a list of commonly used delimiters.
Delimiter sample
Note: You can use e0b1, e0b5, e0b9, e0bb, e0c1, e0cd for the PWD delimiter, and any other character in the list for segment delimiters.
If you want to use vertical segment delimiters, set PROWPT_SEGMENT_DELIMITER="". The same as for PWD delimiters, you can use | (pipe).

Variables Description Default
PROWPT_SEGMENT_DELIMITER Segment delimiter $'\ue060'
PROWPT_PWD_DELIMITER Current directory delimiter instead of / $'\ue0b1'

Whether To Highlight Home Dir (~)

If you want to highlight your home directory, set
If not,
set PROWPT_PWD_HOME_HIGHLIGHT="no" or any other value.

Prompt Color

You can set prompt colors using ANSI 256 colors.
256 Colors Cheat Sheet

Variables Description Default
PROWPT_CURRENT_TIME_FG First segment foreground color 253
PROWPT_CURRENT_TIME_BG First segment background color 31
PROWPT_USER_FG Second segment foreground color 253
PROWPT_USER_BG Second segment background color 242
PROWPT_HOST_FG Third segment foreground color 253
PROWPT_HOST_BG Third segment background color 239
PROWPT_PWD_FG PWD segment foreground color 253
PROWPT_PWD_BG PWD segment background color 237
PROWPT_PWD_DELIMITER_FG PWD delimiter foreground color 250
PROWPT_PWD_HOME_FG Home directory segment foreground color (when you set PROWPT_PWD_HOME_HIGHLIGHT="yes") 253
PROWPT_PWD_HOME_BG Home directory segment background color (when you set PROWPT_PWD_HOME_HIGHLIGHT="no") 31
PROWPT_GIT_FG Git status segment foreground color 236
PROWPT_GIT_BG Git status segment background color 148
PROWPT_GIT_DIRTY_FG Git status segment foreground color when working tree is dirty 253
PROWPT_GIT_DIRTY_BG Git status segment background color when working tree is dirty 166
PROWPT_GIT_STAGED_FG Git status segment foreground color when there are some staged files 236
PROWPT_GIT_STAGED_BG Git status segment background color when there are some staged files 178
PROWPT_GIT_DETACHED_FG Git status segment background color when current HEAD is a detached HEAD 253
PROWPT_GIT_DETACHED_BG Git status segment foreground color when current HEAD is a detached HEAD 103
PROWPT_PROMPT_FG Last (second line) segment foreground color 253
PROWPT_PROMPT_BG Last (second line) segment background color 237
PROWPT_PROMPT_ERROR_FG Last (second line) segment foreground color (when exit status is not 0) 253
PROWPT_PROMPT_ERROR_BG Last (second line) segment background color (when exit status is not 0) 5

Git Segment Style

This segment uses
The customizable variables follow this script.

Variables Description Default
GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE If you set it to a noempty value, unstaged (*) and staged (+) changes will be shown next to the branch name. yes
GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE By setting it to a nonempty value, if something is stashed, then a '$' will be shown next to the branch name. yes
GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES If you set it to a nonempty value, then a '%' will be shown next to the branch name if there're untracked files. yes
GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM If you set GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto", then the difference betweeen HEAD and its upstream will be shown next to the branch name. A "<" indicates you are behind, ">" indicates you are ahead, "<>" indicates you have diverged and "=" indicates that there is no difference. auto

See or prowpt/ for details. Other customizable variables are also written there.

Other Customization

If you want to custom but there are no customizable variables for it, overwrite or any other files.


I know this program is not complete.We welcome your contribution to this program. If you are willing to contribute, please make some pull requests.

  • Fork this repository
  • Make changes to forked repo
  • Make pull request(s) to alpaca-honke/prowpt develop branch

In the same way, open an issue if you find some problems or need more features.

Contact Me

If there is/are some bugs or other problems,

  • Open an issue if it is about this program.
  • If you don't have a GitHub account, or have other reasons to think you shouldn't open an issue of it, contact me with the contact address below.


These are commonly used addresses. See for other addresses.


Prowpt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 of the License.

Prowpt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See COPYING or GNU General Public Licence version 2.0, and Licenses - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation for more details.

Copyright (C) 2023 あるかっぱ/アルパカ本家 Alkappa/alpaca-honke


Simple, lightweight, and customizable Powerline-like prompt theme for Bash and Zsh








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