ESM 244 Winter 2019 Instructor: Allison Horst Week Lecture Links Lab Materials 1 Lecture 1: Course intro + 206 reviewLecture 2: Binary + ordinal logistic regression Lab 1: data wrangling + visualization review 2 Lecture 3: Logistic regression, PCA introLecture 4: PCA/RDA continued Lab 2: Ordinal logistic regression, PCA, Shiny example 3 Lecture 5: BootstrappingLecture 6: Exploring missingness Lab 3: Bootstrap, assessing missingness 4 Lecture 7: Nonlinear least squaresLecture 8: Longitudinal data Lab 4: NLS, panel regression example 5 Lecture 9: Exploring time series dataLecture 10: Autocorrelation, MA, ARIMA intro Lab 5: Intro to time series analysis 6 Lecture 11: Spatial data, projections, variogramsLecture 12: Kriging Lab 6: Getting, wrangling and viewing spatial data 7 Lecture 13: Point pattern analysis, k-means clustering Lab 7: Rasters, Kriging, PPA 8 Lecture 14: Hierarchical clustering, Bayesian thinking introLecture 15: Bayesian + text analysis case studies Lab 8: Cluster analysis (k-means + hierarchical), + some text wrangling/sentiment analysis 9 Lecture 16: Graph theory terms, data sci collaboration Lab 9: Network analysis + cool extras