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Carsten Allefeld committed Aug 7, 2016
1 parent 52c79e1 commit 2ee8d00
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101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions README.text
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% MVPA by cross-validated MANOVA
% Carsten Allefeld
% v1, 2013-12-20

This text documents the Matlab implementation for SPM of the method introduced
by Carsten Allefeld and John-Dylan Haynes, "Searchlight-based multi-voxel
pattern analysis of fMRI by cross-validated MANOVA", NeuroImage, 89:345–357,

# prerequisites

The cross-validated MANOVA is based on a ("first-level") multivariate General
Linear Model. This model has to be specified and estimated in SPM before using
these functions.

Estimation of the model is necessary in order to access SPM's estimates of
various fMRI data properties, especially the temporal correlation of the
residuals. The functions use the generated `SPM.mat` file and the data files
referenced therein, as well as the mask image (`mask.hdr` and `mask.img`). The
beta images generated during estimation can be deleted.

The functions may work with other versions, but have been specifically
developed and tested with SPM8 and Matlab 7.11–7.14.

# interface

The main interface is given by the function

> cvManovaSearchlight(dirName, slRadius, Cs, permute)

which computes the cross-validated MANOVA on a searchlight. `dirName` is the
name of the directory where the `SPM.mat` file is located, `slRadius` is the
radius of the searchlight in voxels, and `Cs` is a cell array whose elements
are contrast matrices. `permute` specifies whether permutation values should
be computed and defaults to `false`.

Simple ("t-like") contrasts are specified as a *column vector*, complex
("F-like") contrasts as a matrix of several columns. Please note that this is
the transpose of the format used in the SPM user interface.

The rows of a contrast matrix correspond to the model regressors for each
session *separately*, i.e. other than in SPM the contrast should not be
explicitly replicated for several sessions. Instead, the program performs the
replication internally, assuming that (at least the leading) regressors for
each session model the same effects. If there are fewer rows in a contrast
matrix than there are regressors for a session, the matrix is zero-padded.

The searchlight radius $r$ is interpreted such that every voxel is included
for which the distance from the center voxel is *smaller than or equal* to the
radius. This means that $r = 0$ leads to a searchlight size of 1 voxel,
$r = 1$ to 7 voxels, $r = 2$ to 33 voxels, and so on. This definition may
differ from the one used in other implementations of MVPA algorithms and in
publications. Note that it is possible to use fractional values for $r$.

The result of the analysis are estimates of a multivariate measure of effect
size, the pattern discriminability $D$, which is intended as a drop-in
replacement for the conventional measure of classification accuracy.
Statistical parametric maps of $D$ are written to images with filenames
of the form

> spmD_C####_P####.nii

enumerating all contrasts and permutations, in the same directory as the
`SPM.mat` file. Additionally, an image of the numbers of voxels contained in
each searchlight is written to `VPSL.nii`.

To ease the specification of contrasts, the utility function `contrasts` can
be used to generate contrast matrices for all main effects and interactions of
a factorial design, in a form suitable for use with `cvManovaSearchlight`.

For example, `Cs = contrasts([2 3])` results in

> Cs = { [ 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1]'
> [ 1 -1 -0 1 -1 -0 ; -0 1 -1 -0 1 -1]'
> [ 1 -1 -0 -1 1 0 ; -0 1 -1 0 -1 1]' };

For further documentation, please refer to the help texts in the `m`-files.

# remarks

— The functions are optimized for the computation of several contrasts (and
permutations) in one run. One call of `cvManovaSearchlight` with several
contrasts will take substantially less time than several calls for each
contrast separately.

— The function reads the complete data set into memory. The analysis should
therefore be run on a computer with a sufficient amount of main memory, and
using other memory-intensive programs at the same time should be avoided.

— The estimation of $D$ is based on the GLM residuals and therefore depends on
a properly specified model. That means that all effects that are known to
systematically occur should be included in the model. Because sub-effects
can be selected through the mechanism of constrasts, it is neither necessary
nor advisable to use different GLMs as the basis of different MVPA analyses.

— Depending on the data set, it may be possible to perform the analysis for
searchlight radii of up to 5 or 6. However, a large radius leads to very long
computation times as well as decreased numerical precision. The recommended
radius is 3, resulting in a searchlight of 123 voxels.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions contrasts.m
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function [cMatrix, cName] = contrasts(fLevel, fName)

% generate contrasts for main effects and interactions of a factorial design
% [cMatrix, cName] = contrasts(fLevel)
% [cMatrix, cName] = contrasts(fLevel, fName)
% fLevel: number of levels for each factor (row vector)
% fName: names of factors (cell array)
% cMatrix: contrast matrices (cell array)
% cName: contrast names (cell array)
% the first factor is the one being enumerated slowest.
% contrasts are not orthonormalized!
% Copyright (C) 2013 Carsten Allefeld
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
% option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that
% it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied
% warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
% GNU General Public License <> for more details.

% number of factors
nf = size(fLevel, 2);

if nargin < 2
% generate generic names for factors
fName = num2cell(char((1 : nf) + '@'));

% generate sorted list of contrast signatures
nc = 2 ^ nf - 1;
cs = bitget(ones(nf, 1) * (1 : nc), (1 : nf)' * ones(1, nc))';
[~, ind] = sort(sum(cs, 2));
cs = cs(ind, :);
cs = logical(cs);

% compute contrast elements
e = cell(2, nf);
for fi = 1 : nf
e{1, fi} = ones(fLevel(fi), 1);
e{2, fi} = -(diff(eye(fLevel(fi)))');

% compute contrasts
cMatrix = cell(nf, 1);
cName = cell(nf, 1);
for ci = 1 : nc
% contrast matrix
cMatrix{ci} = 1;
for fi = 1 : nf
cMatrix{ci} = kron(cMatrix{ci}, e{cs(ci, fi) + 1, fi});
% contrast name
l = sprintf('×%s', fName{cs(ci, :)});
cName{ci} = l(2:end);
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions cvManovaSearchlight.m
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function cvManovaSearchlight(dirName, slRadius, Cs, permute)

% cross-validated MANOVA on searchlight
% cvManovaSearchlight(dirName, slRadius, Cs, permute = false)
% dirName: directory where the SPM.mat file referring to an estimated
% model is located
% slRadius: radius of the searchlight sphere, in voxels
% Cs: cell array of contrast matrices
% permute: whether to compute permutation values of the test statistic
% Output files are written to the same directory:
% spmD_C####_P####.nii:
% images of the pattern discriminability D
% contrast and permutation are identified by numbers
% VPSL.img an image of the number of voxels within each searchlight
% cms.mat a record of the analysis parameters
% Copyright (C) 2013 Carsten Allefeld
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
% Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
% option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that
% it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied
% warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
% GNU General Public License <> for more details.


if nargin < 4
permute = false;

nContrasts = numel(Cs);
outpattern = 'spmD_C%04d_P%04d.nii';

if dirName(end) ~= '/', dirName = [dirName '/']; end

% simplify saving images
wd = cd;

% load data, design matrix etc.
[Y, X, mask, misc] = loadDataSPM(dirName);

% determine per-run design and data matrices
nRuns = misc.m;
Xrun = cell(nRuns, 1);
Yrun = cell(nRuns, 1);
% for each run
for ri = 1 : nRuns
Yrun{ri} = Y(misc.sRow{ri}, :);
Xrun{ri} = X(misc.sRow{ri}, misc.sCol{ri});
clear Y X

% check contrasts
for ci = 1 : nContrasts
if size(Cs{ci}, 2) > rank(Cs{ci})
error('contrast %d is misspecified!', ci)
for ri = 1 : nRuns
if inestimability(Cs{ci}, Xrun{ri}) > 1e-6
error('contrast %d is not estimable in run %d!', ci, ri)

% precomputation
fprintf('\nprecomputing GLM runwise\n')
[XXs, betas, xis] = cvManova_precompute(Xrun, Yrun);
clear Xrun Yrun

% determine voxels per searchlight, and save as image
fprintf('\ncomputing voxels per searchlight image\n')
p = runSearchlight(slRadius, mask, @(vi)(size(vi, 1)));
saveMRImage(reshape(p, size(mask)), 'VPSL.nii', misc.v2mm, ...
'voxels per searchlight');

% error check
pMax = max(p(:));
if pMax > 0.9 * (misc.m - 1) * misc.fE
error('insufficient amount of data for searchlight size %d!', pMax)

% bias correction factor
factor = ((misc.m - 1) * misc.fE - p - 1) / ((misc.m - 1) * misc.n);
clear p

% run searchlight
fprintf('\ncomputing cross-validated MANOVA on searchlight\n')
mDl = runSearchlight(slRadius, mask, @cvManova_compute, ...
XXs, betas, xis, Cs, permute);

% separate contrast and permutation dimensions
nContrasts = numel(Cs);
nPerms = size(mDl, 2) / nContrasts;
mDl = reshape(mDl, [], nContrasts, nPerms);

% compute the unbiased estimate of the pattern discriminability D
D = bsxfun(@times, factor, mDl);
clear mDl

% save results
for ci = 1 : nContrasts
for pi = 1 : nPerms
fn = sprintf(outpattern, ci, pi);
saveMRImage(reshape(D(:, ci, pi), size(mask)), fn, misc.v2mm, ...
'pattern discriminability');

% analysis parameters
save cms.mat slRadius Cs permute misc nPerms


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