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Release Information

Release Scala Compatibility Java Compatibility
1.0.14 or higher 2.13 JDK-11
1.0.13 or lower 2.12 JDK-8

Latest version : 1.0.14


"allawala" %% "service-chassis" % {version}


"allawala" %% "service-chassis" % {version-SNAPSHOT}


resolvers += "Service Chassis Snapshots" at ""
resolvers += "Service Chassis Releases" at ""

Commit Messages

see git-commit for an acceptable commit message structure


  • gitflow with default options git flow init -d
  • compile and test sbt clean compile test
  • run sbt run and then goto http://localhost:8080/health
  • create docker image ** sbt docker
  • create a docker image and push to remote registry ** sbt dockerBuildAndPush
  • delete dangling docker images sbt removeDangling
  • release ** sbt release
  • publish locally sbt publishLocal
  • publish to s3 sbt publish
  • generate dependency graph sbt dependencyTree
  • run local docker image docker run -p 8080:8080 {ID} where {ID} is the image id. To check that the service is up and running, goto http://localhost:8080/health

** see details below

Chassis Documentation



The following sbt plugins are used

  • Git sbt-git

    Allows us to retrieve information about the commit such as the sha or the branch which is used to enhance the BuildInfo object

  • BuildInfo buildinfo

    configured to generate a BuildInfo object on compile with

    • name
    • version
    • scalaVersion
    • sbtVersion
    • git.gitCurrentBranch
    • git.gitHeadCommit

    This information will be used to enhance the detailed health endpoint

  • GitFlow sbt-git-flow

    The gitflow plugin extends the release plugin and as such maintains the versioning in the ./version.sbt file see sbt-release for more release options the sbt-assembly plugin is used to generate the fat jar in this pipeline see (git-flow-cheatsheet)[

  • Docker sbt-docker

    docker image naming convention is configured based on the fact that with gitflow we have two primary branches, master and develop It looks for an environment variable ${BRANCH_NAME}. If missing, its assumed that the docker image is being built for local testing

    Naming convention used:

    • no BRANCH_NAME -> organization/name:latest
    • develop -> registry/name:version-sha
    • master -> registry/name:version

    registry is the remote registry where the image is to be pushed version is develop will be Major.Minor.Patch-Snapshot

  • Dependency Graph sbt-dependency-graph

    To generate dependency graph

  • Format scalafmt-github

    see scalafmt for details

  • Style scalastyle

    see scalastyle-github for details

  • s3 Resolver fm-sbt-s3-resolver s3 will be used to host the snapshot and release jars


Uses gh-pages branch

jekyll serve --watch


A scala chassis to get your applications and services bootstrapped quickly








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