Retrieving Agent for Bncc Information
Ubuntu 22.04 Python 3.10
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
Include the source file using the name bncc.pdf in the root of the project
Include a .env file in project root with the following info:
Access this url to use the chat: http://localhost:8080/agent/
Access this url to see the summary of utilization: http://localhost:8080/agent/observability
- At the first time that the project runs it will read the PDF file and split it into chunks.Each page is one chunk.
- For each chunk we will generate the embeddings vector using Openai Embeddings and store the chunk and the embeddings in a vector database (chromadb). This process could take some time, after that the server will launch and the endpoint will be available.
- When the endpoint is called, we create an embeddings for the question and look for the most similar embeddings vectors in the vector dataset.
- We use Langchain to include the user's question and the most relevant chunks into the prompt and send it to Openai.
- We return the answer to the user.
- The documentation is available at: