FatExpression is python class used for calculating text-presented expressions.
The class FatExpression (Python) is based in TFatExpression (Delphi).
The class TFatExpression by Gasper Kozak ([email protected])
version: 1.0 beta, June 2001.
version: 1.3, Dezembre 2002. bug fix e new features by Allan Lima
FatExpression and TFatExpression is component used for calculating text-presented expressions.
FatExpression and TFatExpression is open-source and is free for all use.
- Free software: BSD license
- Documentation: http://fatexpression.rtfd.org.
- keys, brackets, parenthesis: {}, [], ()
basic operations:
- addition: + 3 + 2 = 5 - substration: - 3 - 2 = 1 - multiplication: * 3 * 2 = 6 - division: / 3 / 2 = 1.5 - exponentiation: ^ 3 ^ 2 = 9 - factorial: ! 3! = 6 - module: % 3 % 2 = 1 - unary minus: - (-x) = x * (-1)
relational operations:
- minor: < -> 3 < 2 = 0 - major: > -> 3 > 2 = 1 - major or equal: >= -> 3 >= 2 = 1 - minor or egual: <= -> 3 <= 2 = 0 - different: <> -> 3 <> 2 = 1 - egual: = -> 3 = 2 = 0
logic operations:
- and: & -> 1 & 1 = 1, 1 & 0 = 0 - or: | -> 1 | 0 = 1, 0 | 0 = 0 - exclusive or: ? -> 1 ? 0 = 1, 1 ? 1 = 0 - negation: ~ -> ~1 = 0, ~0 = 1
- mathematical functions: abs, frac, max, min, mod, round, sign, sqrt, exp, trunc, sum
python >> variables = ['a=1.1','b=2.2','c=3.3'] >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.addVariables(variables) >> exp.text = 'trunc(max(a, b, c))' >> print(exp.value) >> 3.0 >> exp.text = 'round(sum(a, b, c))' >> print(exp.value) >> 7.0
- geometric functions: sin, cos, tan, atan, log, exp
python >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.text = 'log(1)' >> print(exp.value) >> 0
- various functions: and, or, if, random
python >> variables = ['a=1','b=2','c=3'] >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.addVariables(variables) >> exp.text = 'if(a=1, b*10, c*10)' >> print(exp.value) >> 20.0
- variables:
python >> variables = ['a=1','b=2','c=3'] # variables = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3} or variables = 'a=1;b=2;c=3' >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.addVariables(variables) >> exp.text = 'a+b+c' >> print(exp.value) >> 6.0
- user-defined functions (udf): format function_name [ (argument_name [, argument_name ... ]] = expression
python >> functions = ['x(a,b)=a*b', 't1(a)=a+10'] # functions = 'x(a,b)=a*b;t1(a)=a+10' >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.addFunctions(functions) >> exp.text = 'x(1,3)+t1(2)' >> print(exp.value) >> 15.0
- evaluate: words are processed by unresolved events "evaluates" recorded addEvaluate().
python >> def test(text, args, argCount): >> if text == 'y': >> return 3 >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.addEvaluate(test) >> exp.text = 'y*2' >> print(exp.value) >> 6.0
- multiples lines of text: undercore is value previous.
python >> exp = FatExpression() >> exp.text = ['y*2', '_+3*2'] >> print(exp.value) >> 12.0 >> exp.text = ['a:y*2', 'a+3*2'] >> print(exp.value) >> 12.0