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The idea of this project is a private Pi-hole instance that is reachable when you're not at home and runs in an environment more reliable than a RaspberryPi connected over home broadband.

Tailscale is an implementation of a WireGuard protocol with some light-house service to simplify device registration and peers autodiscovery. It allows building a peer-to-peer overlay mesh network between the Pi-hole instance and the devices you might want to use it as a resolver on. There are clients available for Windows/Linux/macOS/Android/iOS platforms. It will also handle DNS client config switching on the device. More details on how it works:

Terraform project in this repository deploys a Pi-hole container with a Tailscale sidecar on Azure Kubernetes Services cluster. The Pi-hole DNS resolver and Web Admin UI is available for clients on you private Tailscale network this helps to reduce attack surface without manually whitelisting everchanging client IPs.

AKS is certainly an overkill here but it helps with another goal - to play with AKS and Tailscale. 😁


  • Accounts:
    • Microsoft Azure;
    • Tailscale;
  • Tools:
    • Terrform;
    • Azure CLI;


Create an Azure Active Directory service principal account

AKS cluster requires AAD service principal (or a managed identity) to interact with the Azure API and to dynamically create and manage other Azure resources.

Use Azure CLI to create the account without any default assignments:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment

Necessary permissions will be delegated to the account during cluster provisioning.

Include created credentials in terraform.tfvars file variables: aks_service_principal_app_id, aks_service_principal_password

Create Tailscale account and obtain a pre-authentication key

Tailscale Solo plan is free and allows to register up to 100 devices. Once you have an account, get a reusable client pre-authentication key via admin panel: This key will be used by the Tailscale sidecar containers to register with the light-house service. Store the key in tailscale_secret_TAILSCALE_AUTH variable in the terraform.tfvars file.

Define Pi-hole Web Admin password

Define the password for the Pi-hole Web Admin UI via pihole_secret_WEBPASSWORD variable in terraform.tfvars file.


  1. Initialise and deploy the project (takes 15 - 20 minutes):
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
  1. Once deployment is complete obtain Pi-hole container IP within Tailscale network via the admin panel (machine name is pihole-*):
  2. Configure the Pi-hole container IP in Tailscale overlay network as a Nameserver via the admin panel:

Now you can register you client devices, once connected it will reconfigure your device DNS client to use the Pi-hole via the Tailscale overlay network.

Build Tailscale container

Tailscale isn't officialy distributed via docker containers, therefore by defult this project will deploy one from my Docker Hub repo or you can build your own one. Thanks to @hamishforbes for the Dockerfile and


FROM alpine:3.12 AS build

ARG ARCH=amd64

RUN mkdir /build
WORKDIR /build
RUN apk add --no-cache curl tar

RUN curl -vsLo tailscale.tar.gz "${CHANNEL}/tailscale_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.tgz" && \
    tar xvf tailscale.tar.gz && \
    mv "tailscale_${VERSION}_${ARCH}/tailscaled" . && \
    mv "tailscale_${VERSION}_${ARCH}/tailscale" .

FROM alpine:3.12

RUN apk add --no-cache iptables

COPY --from=build /build/tailscale /usr/bin/
COPY --from=build /build/tailscaled /usr/bin/

RUN chmod +x /

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "/"]

# Create the tun device path if required
if [ ! -d /dev/net ]; then mkdir /dev/net; fi
if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ]; then  mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200; fi

# Wait 5s for the daemon to start and then run tailscale up to configure
/bin/sh -c "sleep 5; tailscale up --authkey=${TAILSCALE_AUTH} --advertise-tags=${TAILSCALE_TAGS}" &
exec /usr/bin/tailscaled --state=/tailscale/tailscaled.state


Both Pi-hole and Tailscale are not conainer-friendly as not everyting is configurable via env vars or ConfigMaps and requires persistent storage, which means that it can be lost when AKS cluster or Pod is deleted.

Things that require improvemenents or don't currently work:

  • Pi-hole lists configuration at deployment (whitelist\blasklist\adlist) have been moved from flat files into a local database, this makes it harder to maintain them at the deployment stage. Still possible to inject via CLI commands;
  • When AKS cluster or Pi-Hole\Tailscale Pod is re-deployed from scratch the last step of the Deployment section has to be repeated;


Pihole with Tailscale on AKS






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