A fitness app for iOS, Android and the Web where you are able to grow artificial plants and track your exercise progress in a simple and fun way.
fitPlant is an idea that is inspired by Forest. In fitPlant you will be able to log all your workouts and make a plant grow by working out. It will most likely help some people stay motivated since they want to grow their plant as much as possible.
- Create and plan the MVP web app of fitPlant
- Launch web app, get feedback and integrate that feedback
- Start working on the MVP ios and android version
- Launch the MVP on the Play Store and App Store
- Get feedback for both and then update
- Start working on some cooler features
- the basic idea of fitPlant is ready
- fitPlant is still very much in the planning phase
- there is a lot of room for creativity (check this section for things that need to be created)
- We are starting with the web app and then the iOS and Android version will start
The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of fitPlant should be a fitness tracking app where you can easily add your workouts, check them out and delete them from your device and you should also be able to add new musclegroups/categories and workouts that belong to these catgories. You should also be able to grow a plant with the amount of workouts you do based on your x days per week and your x hours per workout.
- Please read our Code of conduct (If you happen to break rules you may be banned from contributing permanently)
- Check the Contributing Guidelines
- Join the Discord to discuss changes and get help
- Plant illustrations in every growth stage (number of growth stages is also up for discussion)
- App Icon and Logo Design
- Which features to add
- What is our MVP so we can submit it to the App Store, Play Store and publish our web app and what are features we can add later
- Icons in the design are from Font Awesome