Future of intelligent machines
Alif Semiconductor is the industry-leading supplier of the next-generation Ensemble family of 32-bit AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) microcontrollers and fusion processors. Alif Ensemble is the only choice for power efficient microcontrollers that can handle heavy AI and ML workloads, without draining a device’s battery life.
The software here is delivered by Alif Semiconductor as part of the Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK includes supported Boards/Kits, Bare Metal Drivers, RTOS, Applications and Guides. Listed below are the contents of the SDK with relevant links and references to other documentation.
Please refer to the Alif License and any additional licensing conditions in the License.txt file in each repository for the licensing terms under which this software is distributed.
All relevant information can be found at Software Development Kit Overview
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- Alif Support to submit your support tickets